Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic Running Diary - Fencing

So with Bik giving his take on olympic handball, I though I would step things up a notch by taking a stab (making easy puns first) at fencing. I did cheat a bit by watching one match before I did this, but that was so I at least had some clue about what I was talking about.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bik's Olympic Handball Running Diary

One of the coolest things about the Olympics is watching a random sport for about an hour and becoming a self-proclaimed expert on it, and then trying to break down matches with your friends. So having never watched a handball game in my life before, I’m now gonna watch the Womens Montenegro vs. Great Britain match and provide a running diary. Here’s how it transpired from this novice handball watcher.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The (not-so) Throw-Down in Cowtown

The UFC made it's debut in Calgary last night and it was....well....forgettable to say the least. The main card was lack-lustre, had no excitement, and really was a disappointment. One of the worst cards I have watched in a long time.

I want to preface this by saying the card was decimated by injuries. How bad? Of the 10 original fighters slated to appear on the main card....3 of them actually fought. The fights that were lost (Jose Aldo v Erik Koch [featherweight championship], Thiago Silva v Shogun Rua, Yoshihiro Akiyama v Thiago Alves) tended to have a little more "wow" factor and star power to them. So the UFC had to make due with what they could scrounge together. After watching the pre fight press conferences, and all the hype surrounding the card, it still looked like some exciting fights that may actually deliver.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Hero We Deserve

If 26 years of being a Canucks fan has taught me anything, it’s that at the completion of an NHL season I have 2 things to look forward to during the summer: Off-season planning of how to get the Canucks their 1st Stanley Cup, and summer blockbuster movies. So 2012 is no different. After a disappointing playoff run and with the release of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ hours away, why not merge the two events. And I gotta look back before I can look ahead.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sport vs. Story

At the end of June, NCAA football fans finally got what they've been clamouring to see for so many years. An end to the question, “Is this the best team in the nation this season?” as the NCAA has adapted to a 4 team playoff system and a move away from the BCS ranking system that aroused more questions than answers. Less politics and second guessing – more football. The season also sees the return of The USC Trojans back into Bowl Contention following a prolonged suspension. It’s another season for Alabama Coach Nick Saban to add to his already full trophy case as we begin to ask if he’s in the running for the greatest college football coach of all time. And of course another year to debate which player will rise to the top for the coveted Heisman Trophy. Yet in the lead-up to kickoff for the season, discussion about the aforementioned stories is muted. Hype and hope going into the season is on a back-burner, as we’re left to talk about the villainous actions of a university protecting their image and protecting a predator.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Forgotten Canadian Treasure

I had the opportunity to take in some X-Games action today. I try every year to at least catch little bits and pieces of both the Summer and Winter X-Games. Today on the menu I was treated to the Skateboard Vert finals, one of the more historic and traditioned events, dating back to the very first event in 1995.

Now for those who don't know what the X-games are....it's essentially the Olympics for extreme athletes. This is THE yearly event they look forward too. There are other competitions and yearly standings but the be-all-end-all competition is the X-Games.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Winners & Losers from Week 1 of NHL Free-Agency

So it's been a week (alright 6 days but I got anxious) since NHL free-agency opened up, so I thought I would take a quick glance at who some of the winners and losers were. Without further adieu lets get into it....