Friday, January 11, 2013

Bik's Divisional Round Picks: Welcome Back

Let’s hail the Johnny Come Lately’s that are the NHL and NHLPA.

Sure it was only 113 days after the previous CBA expired that they managed to agree to a new one to get the 2012-2013 season underway, but better late than never. And why wouldn’t you announce the new deal on a Sunday morning when everyone is either asleep or getting ready for the opening week of NFL Playoff Football. NHL – you always entertain me.

Now of course even better than that is the league holding off on releasing a schedule and actually starting the schedule on the same weekend the NFL is in its Conference Championships Games. Thumbs up.

But I’m not going to pretend that I won’t watch. Call me a hypocrite or whatever. I love the game too much to not get sucked into debates about which center the Canucks should use in neutral-zone 2nd period face-offs on the left boards. It’s going to happen. But like many friends I’ve spoken to about the NHL returning, I’m adhering to a cool principle. “I’ll watch – but I won’t pay.” Works for me.

So while the NHL makes dubiously entertaining decision after dubiously entertaining decision... here are 10 things that you can get excited about for the upcoming season.

1)      The look that Seth Jones and Nathan Mackinnon have on their face when a reporter asks them what they think of playing in Columbus next season: With the shortened season already tainting the year, I’ve had to think of non-NHL things during the lockout. This is my favourite sub-plot of the season. These 2 are slated to go 1-2 in the draft, in whatever order... And Columbus will almost undoubtedly have 1 of those picks. I have a feeling their faces will be between Kobe Bryant’s disappointed face when any one of his teammates does something not meeting his approval and Bryant “Big Country” Reeves on this card (why is his face like that? Not in a general term, but you’re taking a jumper Big Country – you don’t need to have a petrified mug on your grill). Have you seen this Blue Jackets team? Goodness me, even by their low-bar standards this team is bad. Expect a lot of 2-1 games from them because their defence is the only reasonable group on the team, and even then James Wisniewski is the 2nd best player on that unit.
2)      Teemu Selanne:  I cannot even begin to express how much of an injustice it would have been if Selanne’s career ended because some suits lolly-gagged over signing some documents and Selanne got squeezed out. Now a 48 game season still sucks because many won’t get a chance to see him if this is his farewell tour – but enjoy it if you can see him.
3)      How loud the building gets for Bettman’s first visit to an NHL arena: It’ll sound something like this: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suppose asking how long that lasts is a viable question as well.
4)      When Luongo gets traded: The “where” is almost moot at this point because the when is equally as exciting. Every day that passes on the calendar makes this situation more and more awkward and at the same time gives the Canucks exceptional depth in a shortened season. There will be multiple 3 games in 4 night scenarios for teams and considering that every point will matter in this shorter year, it makes it harder to trust a backup.
5)      Watching Flames fans hearts sink at game 19 when they realize they aren’t making the playoffs and their hopes are set to Sven Bartschi: I foresee a moment like this. Can’t you just see sullen Flames fans on a Hockey Night in Canada broadcast sitting grimly and knowing that this is what they’re stuck with for a while. We’ll be able to pinpoint where their hearts break. Don’t worry Flames fans – at least you won’t trade Kipper or Iggy.
6)      The “Out Of Shape” Team: You know it’s going to happen. 1 team who is good on paper but struggles out of the gate because they simply weren’t ready for this season. My money is on San Jose or Buffalo.
7)      Fantasy Leagues / Hockey Pools: I’ve sorely missed the camaraderie that comes with a hockey season. And since the deal was announced, I’ve wasted no time at all sending pictures to my fellow league members of me with our leagues trophy as last year’s champ.
8)      The Oilers playing well and just missing out on the playoffs but still winning the Draft Lottery: A new draft lottery has been ushered in with the new CBA which gives every non-playoff team an opportunity to win the 1st overall pick. Just know that if this scenario unfolds – I’m going to stop watching hockey. The promise is finally come for the Oilers (even though it took 5 years while other teams have accomplished re-vamp projects in 3 years) and its going to be exciting to watch.
9)      What the NHL sprays on the ice for a message to its fans: As you recall last time, they wrote “Thank You Fans!” back in 2005, as an 82 game reminder that they indeed did mess up and thanks for standing by. I never understood the exclamation mark. Not to go all Elaine in Seinfeld about it, and while the punctuation is appreciated, doesn’t that comment read “Thank you FANS!” and make the emphasis on the FANS almost in a mocking tone? Then again this is the NHL and are basically trolling us lockout after lockout. But what this time? “You’re Still Here?!” “If You Can Read This You Care Too Much” This is what I’m most excited about next Saturday.
10)   The Stanley Cup: Amidst all the crap that this lockout has shoveled out, the #1 reason I know why I’ll be back is because of that Cup. I get chills just looking at it and hoping 1 day Vancouver will get to hoist it. As much as I’m bitter, distraught, dumbfounded at the NHL... I have to say it – Welcome Back Hockey.

Onto the Divisional Round Picks. Home team in CAPS

BRONCOS (-9.5) over Ravens
A part of me really thinks the Ravens can pull off an upset, but there’s 1 thing I can’t get away from. Didn’t it feel like the Ravens utterly dominated the Colts? They were allowed to do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to, right? Meanwhile they put up 24 points, and held the ball for all of 22 minutes. Meaning Andrew Luck was on the field for over 37 minutes against that already old defence. 37 MINUTES!!! Ok against the Colts you can escape from that, but if you give Peyton Manning 37 minutes with the ball, you are going to get cut apart as if you just told Wolverine he owes you money. Not to .mention if you are only going to hold the ball for 22 minutes you sure as heck better score 28+ against Peyton to hope to have a chance. 9.5 is a lot of points, but the Broncos defence with a lead is absolutely ridiculous. This team will put you away and I simply don’t trust Flacco if he gets behind on the road.

Packers (+2.5) over 49ERS
Aaron Rodgers versus Colin Kaepernick. More importantly, Aaron Rodgers playing the team that passed on him 8 years ago... in a playoff game ,while the man they drafted over him (Alex Smith) sits on the bench... in a playoff game, that is IN THEIR HOUSE. Colin Kaepernick is going to have to play mistake free, and I don’t quite know if he can do that. Any turnover against this Green Bay team could be catastrophic to the 49ers because if they have to play from behind it becomes a game they aren’t equipped to play in. Also, I know Justin Smith is back and that should help Aldon Smith a bit, but how much Justin is going to be able to help on torn triceps remains to be seen. I’m cautious and that’s something San Fran can’t be this Sunday.

Seahawks (+3) over FALCONS
The Seahawks didn’t win last week because RG3’s knee suddenly went. Because RG3 doesn’t play defence, and the Redskins did nothing to show that they were going to slow down the Seahawks. And I’ve been going on all year that the Falcons haven’t been as impressive as their record shows. Here are some stats a QB put up against Atlanta this year: 38/59, 502 yards, 4 TD’s 0 INT’s, 18 Rushes 202 yards 2 TD’s..... Those are Cam Newton’s numbers vs. Atlanta this year and the Panthers run a similar offence of that of the Seahawks. I think the Seahawks defence matches up vs. the Falcons offence a lot better than the Falcons defence does against the Seahawks offence. And that should be the difference. I expect points, just matters which team can keep up with the other. Plus this will make a Packers-Seahawks NFC Championship Game. With real refs.

Texans (+9.5) over PATRIOTS
Much like the 49ers, the Texans are not equipped to play from behind. Which is exactly what happened when they played New England in Week 14 in a game that ended 42-14 for the Patriots. In the NFL it’s EXTREMELY difficult to get whooped 2 games in a row by the same team. Heck, the Pats couldn’t even whip the Jets twice this year. And let me throw some numbers at you: 17, 23, 45, 21, 14, 14, 21, and 31. Those are the point totals for the Pat’s in the playoffs since 2008. The 2 that jump out are the 45 and 31 and that was vs. the Tim Tebow led Broncos (45 in the divisional round last year) and 31 against the Jacksonville Jaguars in the Divisional round during their “Eff You” Spygate season. Also I had to double check that the Jaguars actually made the playoffs recently. Aside from those two, don’t those totals seem remarkably low for the Patriots? When you think of the Pats you think high-octane offence, yet those point totals scream conservative play in the post-season. I’m usually a fan of always getting the ball to start the second half, but the Texans can’t afford to do that. Run the ball early, get scores early and try to make the game as short as possible by killing that clock.

Last Week: 3-1
Season: 129-125-3

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