Wednesday, May 15, 2013

NHL Playoffs Conference Semi-Finals Preview Part 2

The 2013 Stanley Cup Playoffs continue! TJ went 6-2 last round while Bik went 4-4. The e-mail exchanges continue in Part 1 of the Conference Semi-Finals Preview!
#1 Chicago Blackhawks vs. #7 Detroit Red Wins:
TJ: I just want to point out that I went 6-2 in the first round Bik. You know....Just saying...

Well Chicago pretty much did what everyone thought they were going to do. And Detroit won by having their best players be their best players (seriously can you stop Zetterberg or Datsyuk come playoffs?) thus giving us what could be the most exciting series of the next round. There is a lot of skill, good goaltending and some great coaching coming together for this series. Two teams that have a long standing rivalry will duke it out for the chance to move on to the Western Conference finals.

You really have two teams from opposite ends coming together here. The Blackhawks ran rampant this year losing, I'm pretty sure, only when they wanted to. Meanwhile fans sat back in the final weeks of the regular season wondering if Detroit's 22 year playoff streak would continue. Some hot play got them there and they carried that momentum past the Anaheim Ducks in 7 games. 

Can I just say this series has me really excited. Especially because Detroit changes conferences next year, meaning this is the end of an original six era.

Bik: Ooooh I didn't even think of the conference changing storyline. But I agree - this series is going to be special. There's something about seeing the Original 6 jersey's on the ice that just feels awesome. And I feel that this rivalry is vastly underrated because fans who grew up in our generation will remember the Avs and Wings meanwhile the 'Hawks suffered through a drought for the longest time. Make no mistake - this is still a tremendous rivalry to the respective fan bases.

I'm actually really surprised at the stranglehold the 'Hawks were able to put on Zach Parise last round (1 point in 5 games) but I think the collective experience around the Red Wings stars than the Wild had will play an important role. You aren't going to phase the likes of Filppula, Cleary, Abdelkader, Kronwall,  etc etc.... I said it last round that maybe this was the end of the Red Wings because they hadn't beaten anyone other than Phoenix in recent memory - but now they've knocked off the Ducks . I also said last round that Chicago isn't perfect just because of the gaudy numbers they've put up. Minnesota wasn't able to show their flaws for prolonged periods, but I think Detroit can.

TJ: That Avs/Wings rivalry will forever live. It was single handedly the greatest hockey I have ever witnessed. So much skill, so much hate, so much blood. Just fantastic. But back to modern times....

Detroit can expose the flaws in Chicago...for a game or two....but lets be honest here the Red Wings aren't as deep as they once used to be. They managed to keep the Ducks big stars in check (Selanne, Koivu and Perry combined for 2 goals) but much like the match-up between the Penguins and the Senators, there is just too much fire power to contain. The Blackhawks have had questions about depth the last couple years, but it was their depth players getting it done in Minnesota. If they start rolling 4 lines there is no way for the Wings to contain them. Detroit will have at least 2 playoff rookie defensemen starting, possibly a third, and that is how the 'Hawks will exploit the Wings. Coach Joel Quennville is a mastermind at getting the match-ups he wants, and you know that when a rookie comes on the ice some combination of Toews, Hossa, Kane and Sharp will find their way onto the ice. 

When you say this is the end of the Detroit we know, this is the series you are talking about. It's going to be a quick exit for a Red Wings team that barely made the playoffs.

Bik: Hmmm... I get the impression you're going to be picking the 'Hawks.

You make some valid points. And I see you building a case for Chicago. That case still has to rely on the pads of Corey Crawford (who by the way I'm actually a fan of, but right now don't have tremendous faith in him) and this will present another test for him. And here's a fun underlying sub-plot as if Crawford needed more pressure heaped on him. Price, Luongo, Brodeur, Ward, Holtby are all either eliminated or didn't make the playoffs and Fleury has been displaced as the starter for his team. The 2014 Team Canada goal is WIIIIIDE open right now and a good showing for Crawford in these playoffs could go a long way. How is he going to respond to this.

On the other side of the rink, I see Jimmy Howard. As cool as a customer as they come. He's starting to show that he's a real star on this team and can be a reliable backbone. How safe do you feel knowing Corey Crawford will be tending the net for the Blackhawks against a team that likes to hog the puck in the opponents zone?

TJ: Crawford can't get it done? Uhhhh dude finished top 5 in both save percentage and GAA. Similar numbers to his career post-season totals. Jimmy Howard on the other hand has yet have a post season with a GAA of lower than 2.50. Your digging your own hole here Bik. Give me something where I have to defend myself. You are making it too easy.

Detroit can hog the puck all they want but it's not the same personnel from a few years ago that wouldn't ever cough the puck up. They had the third most give-aways in the first round and couldn't crack the top 10 in take-aways (-31 differential). Chicago is top 3 in each of those categories. Who is possessing the puck better now?

The only way Detroit steals this one is if the Blackhawks have a colossal melt down. Chicago has a solid enough D-core to keep Dats and Zets at bay and then Detroit's scoring will dry up. And when there is no offensive threat, even a mediocre goalie will suffice. Blackhawks in 6

Bik: Yes yes I'm aware of Crawfords numbers (and even stated above that I'm a Crawford fan) but here's a number you can't avoid. That was his first series win against the lowly, offensively inept (finished in bottom third for goals per game) 8th seeded Minnesota Wild. That's not a true test of his character. Yes its nice he posted that 1.32 GAA in those 5 games, but that number is definitely going to balloon up now that the likes of Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Brunner skate in front of him. The margin of error decreases now that the calibre of team steps up, how will he respond in the face of some adversity is what I'm asking. What I don't know is if things like this will follow.

And also lets take a look at the starts for those 2 goalies since March: In 17 starts Crawford gave up 3 goals 5 times (that's not counting games that went into shootout) against playoff teams. In 24 starts since March, Howard gave up 3 goals only 2 times against playoff teams.

A lot has been made of Chicago sweeping the season series 4-0 and more focus has gone into the 7-1 win by the Blackhawks. But the other 3 games all went into over-time. This series is going to be close and I'm still not buying Chicago's bottom 6. Wings in 7

#4 Boston Bruins vs. #6 New York Rangers:
Bik: I tell ya - this Rangers team is going to run over the Maple Leafs. I don't know HOOOOW Toronto managed a series win over Boston. Phil Kessel WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!?! Go away Toronto, stop pretending to be good. I had to drown my sorrows at the 10 minute mark and turn the TV off....

*collective voice of Bruins nation whispering in my ear*


Hahaha - Well thanks for coming out Leafs fans, that was fun while it lasted.

Bruins survived the scare of all scares, and I'm not even sure if survived is the right way to describe it. Up 3-1 in the series, they went from having a colossal choke to having front row seats to 1 of the biggest chokes ever. And what really makes me happy about this, is that Tuukka Rask won't get piled on. I'm a big Rask fan, and the 1 advantage The Rangers have over almost everyone is goaltending, but now that its Lundqvist vs. Rask, that advantage is mitigated.

But there's a lingering question mark now. The Bruins essentially were allowed to take considerable stretches off and let the Leafs linger around much longer than they probably should have been allowed. The Leafs essentially were the scrappy little brother who was going to give his all while lacking all the necessary skills to keep up with you, and you could still win out so long as you tried hard enough when you needed to. What Bruins team are we going to get? The team from Games 1 & 3 and a 15 minute stretch in Game 7... or a team that shuts off. 

TJ: I tell you what, if they think they can play that way against the Rangers they are kidding themselves. Need one reason? Henrik Lundqvist. If you take a night off you lose that game. The Rangers showed some resilience against the Capitals in their series and will need to continue that steady play if they want to make their way to the Conference Finals. They were my pick from the East at the start of the season, and I lost some hope while they faltered, but much like the Kings last year, just because you are a low seed doesn't mean you are an inferior team. We talk a lot about being "built" for the playoffs, and the Rangers seem to fit that mold. A great defense in front of a world class goaltender with talented offensive players to capitalize on the few chances they get (sound familiar? *cough*LA*cough*).

For some reason I just feel this is going to be a real boring lackluster series that is nothing but defensive battles, where games are won by 1 goal off one mistake. Pretty much describes the LA/STL series but it will be without the "awesome"

Bik: It really has that feel doesn't it? At least the first 2 games. I feel like these teams expended sooo much energy (the Bruins in that flurry in game 7 and the Rangers trying to force Game 7) that this series might start out a bit slow and plodding. Then again all it would take is Ryan Callahan chipping it in deep and taking a run at Andrew Ferrence that Milan Lucic doesn't care for then suddenly we have a crazy heated game that has Tortorella yelling to Julien between the benches. I'm just saying this series is either going to be really boring or supremely volatile with no in between. Plus it has the Boston-New York storyline which is also a good thing to have. 

I don't know if I'd call the Rangers a GREAT defense. It's aided with Lundqvist behind it but I'm not sold on its makeup. Michael Del Zotto is basically Mike Green in a Rangers uniform, John Moore is going to have difficulties with the physicality of Boston forecheck, and he's been paired with Steve Eminger. This is all before we even talk about Matt Gilroy, Anton Stralman, and a team that doesn't have Marc Staal. It's going to be too reliant on McDonagh and Girardi to log 30 minutes and minimize the damage that Boston's heavy bodies are going to bring along the boards.

The real question for me is can New York score?

TJ: On paper it says they can....

*Begin Rick Nash Plea* - Dude.....really? Get your s*** together /rant

Why hasn't Nash scored 80 goals yet this playoffs. He is finally on a team that is good enough to win a series and he just about no-shows. I mean the guy he used to play beside that everyone had written off as "Failed to meet potential" leads the Rangers in scoring these playoffs. Derek Brassard leads the Rangers in scoring. More points than Nash, Callahan and Brad Richards....COMBINED!!! Just let that sink in for a moment.

The Rangers really should have no troubles scoring but for some reason they struggled. The only positive I see out of that is your depth players coming through when you need them. If Those three players I named above actually show up then the Rangers turn into a real threat with 3 lines that can score and exploit Bostons slower defense.

I had a point about the Bruins penalty kill being brutal but then realized the Rangers operated their PP at 7% soooo that was instantly dropped....

Bik: It's as if the pieces don't fit for the Rangers. When Derrick Brassard is leading your team in scoring - you might be in trouble. I just don't see where they size up better than the Bruins, except for in goal but as I stated above the difference is so minuscule that I don't think its enough. Lucic and Horton should have a field day along the boards against this team, meanwhile Chara will probably be laughing at how easy Richards and Nash are making his job.

You brought up the Bruins penalty kill, but that's really where the Rangers needs to strike despite their futility. How else are they going to win this? The Bruins are a bit thin along the blue-line and if you get into a game where d-men start taking penalties and you can start winning a war of attrition, special teams could be huge. If the Rangers want to win, Derek Stepan is going to have to be their lightning rod to success. But I don't see them putting up a big enough fight. Bruins in 6

TJ: The Rangers offence will move so quick that Bostons physicality will be a hindrance rather than a game changer. 

Also you can send Chara at those boys all you want but what it does is frees up New Yorks leading scorer. Even when the big guys aren't producing the Rangers are finding ways to win. When Bostons big guns fell off the map they damn near lost the series.....against the Maple Leafs!!

The Bruins will give up too many odd man rushes, fall behind, and will struggle to score. This isn't a Leafs team that will sit back and let you come at them if they have the lead. This Rangers team will forecheck hard and keep that puck 200ft from their net.

Rangers in 7

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