Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Prince of Power-Plays

Justin Schultz will be playing this season -- and for the foreseeable future -- under a mammoth magnifying glass.

And he has nobody to blame but himself.

The 22-year native of West Kelowna certainly got the attention he seemed to be craving this off-season. Coming off an impressive -- but hardly unprecedented (Free-Agent Matt Carle, for example, put up similar collegiate numbers at that age) -- three years at the University of Wisconsin, Schultz had his pick of the litter among NHL franchises.

A 2008 second-round pick of Anaheim, the defenseman took advantage of a Collective Bargaining Agreement loophole that permitted him to explore unrestricted free-agency after refusing to come to terms with the Ducks.

This year's free-agent market is lacking in blueliners with offensive upside, so as many as 26 NHL teams punched Schultz’s digits into their speed dials. And who is he to say no to his adoring public?

30 for 30 in 30 - LA Kings


TJ Molland: Wow this has been tiring and exhausting but we made it. The Stanley Cup Champion LA Kings are the final team up in our 30 previews for 30 teams in 30 days. 9 months ago I would have said "Yeah, the LA Kings are probably a legitimate contender". 5 months ago "Well they are playing well but could easily slip out of a playoff spot if they aren't careful". Day one of playoffs "CANUCKS BABY!! GONNA BLOW THROUGH LA!!". Two weeks after that "Yeah LA will probably run the table".

Pretty much the story of the LA Kings season. A team many considered a legitimate contender in the Western Conference hovered on the verge of winning the division one week, and missing the playoffs the next. That form of mediocrity made many question whether or not they were the team people thought they were. Well when the games actually mattered LA was unstoppable. 16-4 in the playoffs with all of their losses coming while up 3-0 in their respective series'. It was one of the more impressive runs we have seen in a while.

Oh and with only 3 players up for free agency this summer, you have to think the Kings are the favourites heading into the 2012/2013 season. Oh, and $11 million in cap space if they feel they need to upgrade on any of their players or re-sign the few that are leaving. So do we really need to say anything or can we just say heavy favourites for next year? I don't want to talk about ways the Stanley Cup champions can get better without losing any pieces.

Bik Nizzar: This has been as tiring as getting to that summit of winning a Stanley Cup. I’m going to parade around my living room with my laptop over my head.... gimme a second...

*epic music playing in the background*

Ok I’m back, and no, I didn’t try drinking off of the keyboard.

Remember in the Nashville post I mentioned that I have irrational, blind love for certain players. Well the leader of that list is none other than *dramatic pause* DREW DOUGHTY!!!!!!!!! So I’m excited to congratulate him on his Stanley Cup win. This team is set up so well for the future too, that multiple championships aren’t out of the question. Have you seen their cap?!?!? It’s remarkably set up. Basically Jeff Carter, Mike Richards Jonathan Quick and Drew Doughty are the only INSANELY long contracts they have. And really, I woulda signed Doughty to a lifetime deal #irrational. They've got that albatross contract for Dustin Penner
coming off the books this season (how weird is it that during the season when Penner is actually getting a pay-cheque, he plays worthless... and in the playoffs when it’s just for pride he’s a world-beater... you can’t even call him a pay-cheque player, it’s so frustrating), and then you have Simon Gagne's contract expiring next year. Their ENTIRE core is locked up. Quick, Anze Kopitar, Richards, Carter, Doughty, Dustin Brown (his contract of 3.25 for 3 more years used to be about market value and now is such a bargain).

It’s all staggered beautifully, so my hat is off to GM Dean Lombardi for his Sistine Chapel of capology.

They are going to need to look at the age of some key members of their defensive depth though. Willie Mitchell is 35, Rob Scuderi is 30 and Matt Greene is 29, all solid stay-at-home defensemen that play that no-nonsense role. Now they’ll still get a few more years out of some of those players but of their youthful prospects they have coming up, nobody really strikes me as players who can fill that similar role.

Also – are you worried about the long term future on the wings for this team? It still doesn’t pop out to me, and they weren’t exactly great at getting goals during the regular season

TJ Molland: I don't see those issues as being a problem though. The defense is old but they have a few prospects that are waiting to fill the voids. Slava Voynov was a pleasant surprise this year, Davis Drewiske has filled in part time when needed and can probably be promoted to full time soon, and they have a prospect I think will be a big time player, Thomas Hickey. The former Team Canada Junior captain and 4th overall pick in 2007 has had a lot of time to mature in the minors and should be given a good look at camp this year pending he gets a contract (RFA). So once again, the Kings are looking well.

Up front I think the wing situation isn't the best, but they have a ton of prospects that are set to make the jump. 2010 2nd round pick Tyler Toffoli and 3rd round pick Jordan Weal each broke 100 pts in junior this year. Toffoli had his second 50 goal season in a row for the Ottawa 67's while Weal has had back-to-back 40+ goal seasons for the Regina Pats. Maybe not immediate help but you don't have an immediate need yet.

There are no real chinks in the LA Kings armour. Really, go ahead and try and point something out. Oh they couldn't score goals during the regular season? Highest scoring team outside Pittsburgh and Philly (and really can we even count that series as fair) in the playoffs. Mediocre power-play? 17th during the regular season, and will benefit from a full year of Jeff Carter. There just isn't a hole that screams "this is the weakness".

Bik Nizzar: Voynov, and Alec Martinez are good players but I don’t see them shaping into the same roles that Mitchell, Greene, Scuderi have. Thomas Hickey I don’t know what to make of anymore. I used to be excited for this guy to make it to the NHL, now I don’t know if he ever will. He was drafted in 2007 at 4th overall (Karl Alzner was on the board and Dean Lombardi reached for Hickey) and the potential has never made it to reality. 5’11-185 lbs, a smooth skater, good decision maker, good vision on the ice, all the makings for a power-play 
QB....... with a total of 50 points in 153 games over the last 2 seasons in the AHL.

Drew Doughty has locked up the top unit PP QB responsibilities for the next 8 years. I just don’t see where he fits into this team at all. If we’re using comparables for players that size, who have similar attributes, Ryan Ellis (yeah I know I’m going all irrational player love on you but its backed up) IN HIS ROOKIE YEAR MIND YOU, not his 3rd season in the AHL.... put up 18 points in 29 games for the Milwaukee Admirals and the Predators said “hang on – why don’t we see if that offensive output will translate to the big team” and he put up 11 points in 32 games... RYAN ELLIS F-T-W!!!!.... If Ellis and Doughty ever end up on the same blue-line, I’m gonna lose my mind.

Jordan Weal just has ‘Darryl Sutter grinder project” written all over him to me. I think he’ll get stuck under his thumb and be morphed into a 2004-2008 Matthew Lombardi. Toffoli is the one with the most upside, but he’s yet to do anything in the AHL level so it remains to be seen if his junior dominance will translate.

The reason I’m concerned about their wing scoring for the long term is just how long can you rely on Jonathan Quick to be super-human. He basically played 89 playoff games last year. Cause if he wasn’t on his game during the season, they were done. They COULDN’T SCORE! He had a 1.95 goals against average, and they scored 2.29 goals a game. I know I know that improved in the playoffs, but their style of play is set up for the playoffs. It’s not set up for a marathon of 82 games, where your body just won’t last in that relentless pressure system.

If they try that steamroll mentality for the season, they’ll be pooped out by March. It’s just unsustainable, which is why we love playoff hockey and why their performance was so unreal. Because for 20 games they just bowled over every team that stepped in their path and played at such an insane intensity level that it couldn’t be matched. I’m not gonna go so far as to say that this team will miss the playoffs next year, but it’s not inconceivable either. They play in a pretty good division, and in a DIFFICULT conference. Pending how free agency works out, you could make cases for about 11-12 teams in the West that they could make the playoffs next year.

How’s this for ya..... Why not target Zach Parise? Just because you acquired Carter doesn’t mean you can’t go and snag another gem. In the Western Conference you don’t have time to rest on your laurels. Send a message to the league that you’re not messing about and you want championship banner after banner after banner. They have $11 million in cap space this season, and they have a full roster already. They’ll bring back Dwight King but that won’t chew up too much of that $11 mill. Voynov, Martinez and Kyle Clifford are their only MUST sign RFA’s next season when they have $21 million in cap space, plus Rob Scuderi as a UFA who shouldn’t see a BIG BIG raise from his $3.4 million now. Then the only players that you HAAAAAAAAAVE to sign are Dustin Brown in 2015 and Kopitar in 2016. THIS CAP IS SET UP SO INCREDIBLY!!!

TJ Molland: I still think if Hickey isn't signed by the Kings he will end up on another team. He still has potential to be a NHL defender, especially with today's game allowing smaller guys to make it. Sure the depth on D isn't phenomenal but what you lose in Scuderi and Mitchell you can replace in free agency over the years. Again it isn't an immediate need, just something to be wary of.

I heard Parise's name thrown around LA before the deadline but nothing ever came of it. Still a good possibility he ends up there. The only issue is LA will definitely not have the biggest offer on the table. It will be Parises choice whether he wants to take a discount for a legit shot at the cup, or sign elsewhere for a little more money and maybe not as good a chance. If they do get him though, I might just have to start cheering for the Kings because seriously that team would be stacked. Richards, Carter, Brown, Kopitar, Gagne and Parise as your top six?!? Each of those guys has scored 30 goals at least once post lockout, and three of them would have had 40 goal seasons at some point since then as well. Noone would be saying they lack offense at that point.

I just wanted to give a shout out to the Kings Official Twitter account (@LAKings) for being the most original team twitter account in the NHL. They aren't afraid to joke around and say what they actually feel. It's awesome. When people get pissed off at them, it's even more hilarious because that is what they are trying to do.

Point in case, after it was found out Patrik Elias had some how ended up with the Stanley Cup winning puck, they tweeted this:

"If you see Patrik Elias at the Hockey Hall of Fame wearing a baggy jacket with lots of pocket space, keep an eye on him."

Or when they signed Jon Quick:

"To clarify, that's 10 years after next year -- so 11 years in total of our goaltender being better than yours."

Pure gold. Finally nice to see some character added to a team media outlet

Friday, June 29, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - New Jersey Devils


TJ Molland: The team that caught me completely off guard. I mean I knew they were good, I just didn't think they were Stanley Cup Final good. It was a remarkable run, but unfortunately could be a while before we see it happen again. There is a lot of uncertainty with the New Jersey Devils. Mainly with two of their superstars, Zach Parise and Martin Brodeur. Both are set to become unrestricted free agents and there are doubts either will return.

Brodeur is teetering on the edge of retirement. The man has had an outstanding career and after watching him this past playoffs, many think he has a few more seasons in the tank. His numbers haven't diminished much over the past few season so he could very well return. What we hear from his father and his camp are that they are waiting on the new collective bargaining agreement to be sorted out first. I really don't know if he will come back or not, but if he doesn't he will still retire the best goalie of all time.

On to the man spending much more time in the spot-light, Parise. The man has scored 30+ goals in 5 of his 7 seasons. The two he didn't? His rookie campaign (14) and the injury plagued 2010/2011 season (13 games 3 goals). The man is a threat offensively, something the Devils always seem to be missing (Although Kovalchuk fills that spot now). If the Devils are serious about contending they have to, HAVE TO make him a contract offer that is worth his time. Here is a kid that is supposed to be the face of your franchise and the Devils have not treated him accordingly. Can they let a man like that walk away for nothing? I mean for a team that is 24th in attendance you think you would want players that put people in the seats? Right?

Bik Nizzar: I’ll agree it’s going to be tough for this team to replicate the post-season success they had this past season if they don’t bring back the talent they have. A great assumption (because the great thing about sports is we never know) is that Pittsburgh will rebound, New York will emerge, and Philly’s young team will continue to grow..... Why can’t New Jersey maintain this level?

Oh right – IF... IF... IIIIIIIIIIF they can bring back Parise... man what a precarious spot this team is in right now.

They have 7 – SEVEN – 7 UNRESTRICTED FREE AGENT FORWARDS!!!! Tack on Bryce Salvador on the blue line, and then BOTH goalies. MAAAAAAN ALIVE. This is awkward. Ok time to stop being so cynical (but we’re talking about devils after all). The experience guys like Adam Henrique and Adam Larsson got from this run is going to prove invaluable. Now it’s about capitalizing on that along with maximizing Ilya Kovalchuk’s elite window. But it begins and ends with Parise. They have $27 million in cap space, but it’s whether or not they’re willing to use it. For a guy like Parise, I think you HAAAAVE to. He means so much to that team. They just got a new building, and you need to continue to put people in those seats. Their top 6 just doesn’t look the same with him missing. I don’t even see how you remedy his departure in the short-term.

What they could use is 2010 2nd round defenseman John Merrill getting back on track. He was suspended for the 1st 12 games of the NCAA season by Michigan University for violating team rules. He’s a 6’3 210lb smooth skating d-man that knows how to use his body effectively. My worry for the Devils is that now he’s entering Justin Schultz territory. I believe this is a similar scenario to the Ducks 2008 2nd round pick, Schultz, where if in 2 years Merrill isn’t signed, he becomes an unrestricted free agent. Now I know its 2 years away, but REALLY its 1 year away. Because as soon as you give a young player with talent a sniff at being a UFA, if he’s 9 months away from it, why wouldn’t he take it. So I think after Parise, this has to be high on their priority list.

TJ Molland: Well I think their first move of action will probably be cleaning out Steve Berniers locker for him and telling him his services are not needed anymore.....

But really if they can't find some way to get Parise I don't know how they replace his goal scoring. Henrique was an excellent surprise but there is no way he is going to fill the shoes Parise will leave behind. Elias isn't getting any younger so you can't keep relying on him for 25+ goals. And as much as I like the guy, I don't think Clarkson will repeat his 30 goal performance. With not a lot in the cupboard you are going to have to dip to free agency, and like we have said in every post we have made, this free agent class is rather weak.

I think it will be a step backwards this year for the Devils. They will likely be devastated by the loss of Parise and I am going to assume Brodeur as well. You just don't recover from those types of losses. What they SHOULD do in the next couple days is ship Parise somewhere for a quick draft pick. If he is not going to sign why let him go for nothing? Once that happens start targeting the few guys you like in free agency and hope a few prospects surprise at camp.

Bik Nizzar: Man alive are you going to be disappointed by this news....Looks like talks are progressing between the Devils and Bernier for bringing him back hahaha.... #notawkward

I actually think Clarkson is pretty underrated, but having to step into a premier role might hurt him and what his contribution level should be. This is what makes bringing back Parise so important (sounding like a broken record now). This team doesn’t have a plethora (really stretched for that word... pulled a muscle) of young elite wingers that are just ready to take that kind of role. Matias Tedenby has featured in and out of their lineup for 2 years now, spending the rest of that time in the AHL, and for a 2008 1st rounder he has to make the jump soon for this team to see a return on that investment. If they decide that Parise’s price is too much and opt to go the free agent route, PA Parenteau could help soften the blow. He could be a nice fit with Kovalchuk who is a natural sniper and would enjoy a natural set-up man in Parenteau.

As for Brodeur, how weird would it be to see him in a different jersey? I just don’t see how they don’t bring him back if he wants to come back. He’s shown he can go 1 more year and with Canadian World Junior goalie Scott Wedewood in their system, ushering him along with some tutelage from Brodeur would be incredibly beneficial.

TJ Molland: Wouldn't be a bad idea to have a Broderur/prospect combo. Wedgewood is still a little young I think. You have to imagine former 2nd rounder Jeff Frazee is ahead of him in terms of NHL readiness. The 25 year old has average AHL numbers but maybe a year of tutalige from the best there is would be the stepping stone he needs.

We just talked (off this post) about Dustin Penner and he could be a good signing for this team if they DON'T (please, just don't) sign Steve Bernier. He would be a nice big body to play with Kovalchuk and create some havoc in front. Maybe not the best of options but he is still a reliable top 6 forward. The price might be a little much but if you don't have Parise, and Brodeur takes a nice pay-cut, you will have some dollars to throw around.

This next year will be a strage time for the Devils. They could be considered contenders again, or they could be struggling just to make the playoffs. BUT.... YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE DEVILS. THE DEVILS!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - New York Rangers


Bik Nizzar: You know what I kind of miss about the old NHL? The New York Rangers misspending their money. When there was no cap, these guys would just routinely back up Brinks’ trucks to any free agent, over-pay, and watch their season go belly-up... Not realize why, and then figure they could solve the issue with another free agent..... It was hilarious to watch because of how much I hated the Rangers thanks to the ’94 Cup Run..... *single tear*..... But now this team is doing things the right way. Well, actually there’s no right or wrong way to build a winner, but it just looks and feels better when you do it through the draft.

Captain Ryan Callahan, Brandon Dubinsky, Marc Staal, Dan Girardi, Michael Del Zotto, Derek Stepan, Carl Hagelin, oh and some guy named Henrik Lundqvist, all drafted by this team (or signed as undrafted free agent in Girardi’s case). That’s a substantial part of your core to be made up of internal pieces. Good on them. I don’t know if anyone saw this meteoric rise for this team (going from 8th place in the Eastern Conference and 93 points to 1st place and 109 points) but certainly you could see that eventually the talent and chemistry they had amassed would come to fruition. Perhaps a little ahead on their development curve last year, but now the Rangers are here and here to stay. And really, what’s not to like about this team?

They’re solid defensively (and that’s without mentioning Henrik Lundqvist) thanks to Dan Girardi’s emergence as a prominent defenseman. Add in younger guys like Marc Staal, Ryan McDonagh (sorry Montreal fans, but – HAHAHAHAHAHA, that trade still makes me laugh), Michael Del Zotto and this team isn’t going anywhere for a while. Now remember, they’ve been doing this without spending money wildly. They have $21 million in cap space and need about 6-7 players signed.

So how does this team make the leap to that next stage in their development?

TJ Molland: I wouldn't say they need to make a leap, they just have to find a way to get to the big dance. I have had the Rangers on my radar for a few years. I knew they were building something worth noting and this year they made the leap to the top I was expecting. What I like most about the Rangers is the type of players they have targeted. Competitive, hard working, blue collar type guys. Girardi has emerged as one of the top defenders in the league, and his partner McDonagh has shown he is a player to watch for years to come.

The thing the Rangers need to realize is that they have a small window here where they have all this talent for cheap. Next year will be the last year of entry-level contracts for McDonagh, Hagelin, Stepan and you have two years left on surprise playoff contributor Chris Krieder's EL contract. (7 points in 18 playoff games is pretty impressive when you haven't even played in a NHL regular season game yet). You can bet all those guys will ask for raises when their contracts come up.

What I am getting at here is they need to look at this year as a real chance to win the Stanley Cup. You want to be aggressive towards players you target in free agency and put together what you believe is THE team you need to win it all. Because there is no guarantee you will be able to afford all those guys as well as other secondary talent. Management will need to look at this year as possibly your best chance and approach the season accordingly.

Bik Nizzar: McDonagh and Kreider are really the only 2 guys of those 4 that strike me as players that are gonna get MAJOR deals. Hagelin and Stepan while maturing, I don’t see them getting any more than $4 million for their second pro-deals. The interesting person in all this is Brandon Dubinsky. With Kreider’s playoff emergence, Hagelin finding a top 6 role during the season, Dubinsky could find himself as the odd-man out for those competing for top 6 roles. He’s making $4.2 million for 3 more years, and with all those RFA deals coming up soon for the Rangers, it also really makes sense to move on from him.

I suppose because they are New York and they seem to be tied in with every big name player available, we have to mention the link between them and Rick Nash. They tried hard to get him at the deadline, offering a MASSIVE package that included Dubinsky, 2010 2nd round RW Christian Thomas, 2001 1st round RW JT Miller, and 2009 1stRound pick defenseman Tim Erixon.... but now apparently even after seeing Kreider emerge in the off-season, their likeness towards Nash hasn’t subsided. I don’t get this at all. I understand wanting to target elite talent, but considering what they’re building here, they really don’t need Rick Nash.

Hagelin – Richards – Gaborik
Kreider – Stepan – Callahan

That could be their top 6 next year. Where do you fit Nash into there without trading Kreider (arguably their best prospect), Callahan (their captain and soul of the team) or Gaborik (no-trade clause and pointless to trade 1 elite goal-scorer for another). Plus I don’t think he’s the right fit for what they need. I’m not convinced Hagelin is fully ready to move into that top line role full-time yet, so perhaps a better target would be unrestricted free agent P.A. Parenteau. The Rangers had 1 of the worst PP Unit’s operating at 15.7% and not only just that, it was SUUUCH a BORING power-play to watch. Zero creativity to it. Adding in a playmaker like Parenteau (49 assists last season and 19 PP Points) rather than a sniper like Nash could do wonders for that stagnant power-play.

TJ Molland: He will also come at a much cheaper price. If you have the chance to move Dubinsky you could probably sign Parenteau for roughly the same amount. He would also add a bit more veteran experience to what would be a fairly young top 6. It would be funny for the Rangers to have let him walk away to unrestricted free agency 2 years ago, have him put up 120 points in 160 games with the Islanders, and then re-sign him to a big contract.

Nash, although beneficial to any team, just doesn't seem worth the price for the Rangers. They would have to give up a lot, and then have to deal with the cap repercussions that come with his $7.8 million cap hit. Again, having Nash is not a bad thing, but with the hassle that comes with it, do you really want to go there?

Another name that is going to attract some attention is Michael Del Zotto. The restricted free agent had a great rookie campaign a few years ago, was sent to the AHL for a period during his sophomore year to shore up his defensive play, and returned last year with a 41 point performance and finished +20 on the season. He is the perfect complement to the staple of stay-at-home defenseman the Rangers have amassed and should be locked up long term this summer.

Bik Nizzar: The way the bottom 6 is going to shape up is a bit worrying to me. It doesn’t look like Brandon Prust is going to be back on this team, even though John Tortorella likes what he brings to the team, because GM Glen Sather and Prust’s agent don’t agree on his market value. He’s obviously going to get more than his $800k that he got last year – but I think it’s a minor investment that they could/should make. He’s basically the prototypical 3rd/4th liner that you want on a team. I’m not a big fan of Artem Anisimov as a 3rd line type, and basically all that is currently left that is signed is Mike Rupp, and Brandon Dubinsky. But that’s still 3 spots in your bottom 6 that you need filled out and in today’s NHL it’s so important to be able to roll 4 lines to not only keep your scoring lines fresh, but to also have reliable players to play certain roles like the PK. It’s ok to fill 1-2 of those spots in free agency but its free agency, you’re going to wind up over-paying a bit. I don’t know if you want to go that many free-agent pickups for multi-year deals. If they can rectify that, I really feel like this team is going to be a “sexy” pick in the pre-season to win the Eastern Conference. Thoughts?

TJ Molland: They aren't too bad off. Brian Boyle brings some hands and a big body presence to the bottom half. Mike Rupp isn't.....awful.....One player I think they should re-sign is John Mitchell. He will come at a reasonable price for a responsible fourth line center. Although they have an abundance of centers the Rangers could benefit from getting a guy like Paul Gaustad to play a shutdown role. Someone that will allow the Rangers to keep their offensive players in the offensive zone but not be a liability in their own end.

You have to bet the Rangers are the favourites heading into the season. I wouldn't mind seeing a stumbling out of the gate though just so we can get more John Tortorella rants. Seriously it should have it's own reality show. Once a week we should just put Tortorella in front of a camera and have his known nemesis, New York Post reporter Larry Brooks ask him questions. Then after the verbal assaults they can get into an octagon and fight for the right to have won the argument.

Oh and obligatory laugh track followed by zoom in of Wade Redden still on their AHL affiliate being paid $6.5 million.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Phoenix Coyotes


TJ Molland: With ownership still an issue it makes life for the Phoenix Coyotes so much more difficult. With so much uncertainty surrounding the team it makes it difficult to attract free agents, and for that matter, sign your own free agents. Captain (maybe soon to be ex-captain if they don't re-sign him) Shane Doan has only ever played for the Coyotes/Original Jets and has stated he would like to stay with the franchise. But with ownership issues STILL an issue it is making himuncertain of his future.

It is going to be a crazy off-season for the Coyotes as a lot of key players are up for contracts. Captain Doan, team point leader Ray Whitney and key veteran defensemen Adrian Aucoin and Michal Rozsival are all unrestricted free agents. Carrying a combined $15 millionish in salary they present an interesting conundrum for whoever ends up being the new owner. Signing all those guys will get you to the projected cap floor, but will these guys be offered contracts for one year just to make ends meet, or are they serious about locking players up long-term (just give Doan the 4 or 5 year contract he wants so he can finish his career with the franchise he started with!!).

It's a good thing the Coyotes have a great coaching staff who knows how to make the most out of little to no talent. Coach Dave Tippet is a genius at getting the most out of his teams. This year could be another year where he has not much to work with but will be required to keep hockey entertaining in the desert

Bik Nizzar: Dave Tippet has been remarkable with this team. Seriously, how is this team even competitive let alone ending up in the Western Conference Finals? Have you SEEN this team?!!? Taylor Pyatt is on this team. When has that ever been a recipe for success...

It was so great to see Shane Doan win a round, and you could just see how delighted he was to have all his work pay-off and then the team go on a mini-run. It’d be a crying shame if he left now. They need to do everything in their power to get him re-signed, and fast. I know they kind of hold the hammer cause Doan obviously wants to play there and finish his career there, but do you really want him getting to July 1st and getting even a whiff of some of the money/opportunity he might see?! He’s never mentioned amongst the top UFA’s because it’s just assumed he’ll end up back in Phoenix, but we’re 4 days away from July 1st.... tick tock Phoenix.

The name of the game is always going to be goal-scoring for this team. I know it begins and ends with defense and structure for this team, but if they don’t figure out how to score goals on the powerplay, the margin of error you create for yourself is so slim. They were 2nd to last in Power-Play % (which is really surprising and should improve next year because they’ve got 2 very capable powerplay QB’s in Keith Yandle and Oliver Ekman-Larsson) but now you’re looking at a team potentially without Ray Whitney, and it’s not like they’re flush with offensive prospects coming up through the ranks. Is it just that simple for this team – re-sign what you have and keep the status quo? Or do they try to dip into the free agent market, if they have the funds for it?

TJ Molland: They should be going to the free agency market to get some added help. But the cold reality is they won't be able to compete money wise for any big name. I mean look at their salary structure. Kieth Yandle is their highest paid player at $5.25 million. They don't go out and spend money recklessly, it just isn't in the budget. The other issue is not too many players are keen on going to a team with no owner.

Really why don't they just make contract offers to the few players they are losing. Doan to start obviously. Whitney would be a close second. Then convince Aucoin and Rozsival to come back for the same pay. You pretty much have the same team, with a bit more experience and understanding of what it takes to get close to playing for the Stanley Cup.

For the few holes you still have, there is enough prospects to fill the void. Brendan Shinnimin, a free agent signing if you can believe it, was the top scorer in the WHL this year. The 21 year old could be pushing for a roster spot this fall, and could be an offensive boost to a mediocre crop of forwards. On the back-end they have two former first rounders in Brandon Gormley and David Rundblad, both close to being NHL ready. So depth is there if they need to stay internal.

Bik Nizzar: Their defensive depth is INCREDIBLE. I don’t think you NEEEEED Aucion or Rozsival back. David Runblad played a bit for Ottawa last year, and had one of the best passes I saw all year. Oh my goodness, a pass that nice needs to be viewed twice, hold on........................................ Ok I’m back. Considering they have Yandle, Rusty Klelsa, Derek Morris, Ekman-Larsson, and just traded for Zbynek Michalek from Pittsburgh... That’s a decent top 5; add in Gormley and Rundblad... That’s a good top 7 and will give the latter 2 room to grow into bigger roles with top level play.

Doesn’t the whole ownership issue make “fixing” this team soooo difficult. Any resolution you want to propose involves spending money, and seeing as how they’re a budget team, isn’t the only resolution to keep the same group together but hope this time the bounces go your way?

They do have a few nice pieces to work with. Martin Hanzal doesn’t get anywhere near the amount of credit he deserves. Very underrated player and does so much good work in both zones. Radim Vrbata had 35 goals last year....... Radim ----- Vrbata..... Wow. He broke the 60 point barrier for the first time in his career. So basically what I’m getting to in a round-about way is – Bring back Doan, Whitney, and you might be able to replicate what happened last season.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Vancouver Canucks


Bik Nizzar: Ahh – finally, 26 days later we’re at the Vancouver Canucks.... Our favourite team, with a fan-base that we are less than fond of (just an important FYI for the readers, I refer to bandwagon Canuck fans as “Canuck Fan” – whereas the real true fans, aka the non-rioters / the don’t leave early ticket holders, are Canucks Fans...... you’ll notice the plural version on both words... it’s an important distinction in understanding the psyche of Canuck Fan vs. Canucks Fans. Canuck fan makes cheering for the team about themselves, whereas Canucks Fans are about the team). Given the distaste we have for Canuck Fan and his/her knee-jerk over-reaction to every single thing this team does – here we enter, to restore some order and balance to how this team should proceed this off-season.

Trading Roberto Luongo has been the move Du Jour for what, 18 months now? It finally looks like it’s gonna come to fruition but the first chance to do so has passed us by last weekend at the NHL Draft. But with his name being bandied about as much as it is, and supposed interest from a few teams, it looks like Luongo’s last act as a Vancouver Canuck was sitting on the bench for Game 5 vs. LA.

What you want back for him? Or even worse, do you even think he is movable?

TJ Molland: Alright I need to preface this article with something Bik, hold on a sec....

Trade Luongo
Fire coach Alain Vigneault
Zach Kassian is a bust
Aaron Rome for Norris!

OK I think I covered all grievances....oh wait: CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!!!!

Ah yes Canuck Fan you amuse me with your illogical fallacies and crazy mood swings.

Mocking aside.....It is time for Luongo to be moved. Poor guy was never really given credit for how well he played in Vancouver. Makes a few mistakes and that's all people remember him for. It is for his best and the teams best to move him somewhere far away from here.

Originally I thought Tampa Bay was going to be the destination for Luongo, but rumours swirl that Lightning GM Steve Yzerman is not all that interested, and after they traded for Anders Lindback I have a lot of doubt he will end up there. So the next option would probably have to be Toronto.

Schenn was thought to be a key piece if this deal went down, but he has since been shipped to Philadelphia. We did mention in the Toronto Maple Leafs post a few plausible trade options, with Jake Gardiner being a piece we would like to see come back. If I was in charge (GM hat on):

To Toronto:
- Roberto Luongo
- 3rd round draft pick

To Vancouver:
- Jake Gardiner
- Jerry D'amigo

Canucks get a solid defender and a scoring threat on the wing, the Leafs get their goaltender and a pick. Reasonable? Plausible?

Bik Nizzar: Poor guy indeed. I feel bad for the guy that this is what it’s come down to. We used him as a comparable to the Martin Brochu’s, Maxime Ouellet’s, Kevin Weeke’s of the world and we absolutely loved and revered him for it, so we developed an attachment towards him. Yet there was still a bit of a detachment to him, because we had been so let down by him perhaps as a result from that attachment. It seemed like he had a LeBron James like margin of error in the fans eyes. If he wasn’t perfect, he wasn’t doing his job. At the end of the day, Canuck Fan never wanted to go to bat for him because he was never “OUR GUY” in the sense that we didn’t draft him. Cory Schneider is our guy, we drafted him 8 years ago, but we still don’t really know anything about him. We SHOULD, but we don’t have the same connection to him like Montreal has with Carey Price or Pittsburgh has with Marc-Andre Fleury. And I think that’s what makes trading Luongo so weird – we don’t know what sort of unchartered waters we’re going towards, but if we’re left with positive assets from Luongo, it’ll make it all ok.

I don’t think we’re getting anything close to Jake Gardiner from Toronto, or Erik Gudbranson or Jonathan Huberdeau from Florida. I just don’t see it happening. Too valuable of assets, considering Luongo’s contract and age. Apparently the asking price has been ridiculous for Roberto Luongo, because he is still a top 10 goalie (despite Canuck Fan claims that he’s the “WORST. GOALIE. EVER”), and I understand Gillis’ reticence to move such a valuable piece. But the truth is, goaltenders don’t usually fetch a whole lot. And if Mike Gillis thinks he’s getting a blue-chip asset without taking at least 1 bad contract back, then he’s over-playing his hand right now and is going to get backed into a messy corner come August and September. I get not wanting a bad contract back, but it’s not like the Canucks are in a bad spot financially. They’re set up well to eat a bad contract for a year or 2 and be just fine. I think a better course of action is getting 2 lesser prospects and a bad contract. Maximize your return and still take 1 contract back that you can find a way to work into your roster. From Florida I would target D-Man Alex Petrovic and from Toronto I would target Center Joe Colborne. Then fill in “Prospect X” for more organizational depth and “Bad Contract X”. If you can get that, then that’s pretty good,

Also I don’t think the Luongo contract is as bad as everyone is making out to be. Its $6.7 million per year for the next 6 years, and then it completely tails off for the final 4 years which brings down the cap hit. And really, does anyone truly believe that he’s going to play out the full 10 years? This deal is set up so he’d retire in 6-7 years, if not sooner and the Canucks got away with doing this. So with a $5.3 million cap hit for let’s say 7 years, that’s a pretty darn good price for a team. Plus figure in that anybody that takes on this contract, is almost assuredly giving a bad contract back. So that mitigates the damage of the $6.7 million salary. This isn’t really a cap move by the Canucks (although it is a bonus) it’s more of a “We’re ready to move on from you and go to Cory” move.

My asking price too low for Luongo’s return?

TJ Molland: With the market the way it is I have NO idea. I mean, Sergei Bobrovsky, who isn't even a top 15 goaltender in this league, fetched a 2nd and two 4th round picks. So guessing the goalie market really depends on how desperate the team wanting a goalie is. What you are asking for is not too low I don't think. And really the Canucks don't NEED to trade Luongo, it's just really beneficial to move his contract.

Not too many free agents departing this summer. Of note we have Schnieder (RFA), Mason Raymond (RFA), Sami Salo (UFA) followed by some depth players and future Norris candidate Aaron Rome (UFA). Schnieder is a must sign, and a MUST sign before they deal Luongo. You don't want to move Luongo and have some other team offer sheet Schnieder to a ridiculous contract you are more-or-less forced to sign him too.

Salo would be great to have too if he comes at a discount. The man is a threat on the PP while still being responsible in his own end. He can be a specialist where you limit his role and his ice time to fully maximize what you get out of him. The $2 million he was paid last year would be about the max I would give him again this year.

Personally I would let Raymond walk. There just isn't room on this team for him. He is too soft on the puck and has never really blossomed into the scoring threat management had hoped. I will cut him some slack for coming off a broken back, but he just doesn't have a spot that suits him on this team. He isn't being properly utilized and it would be better if he was gone.

And yes Bik I fully anticipated this rattling your feathers....

Bik Nizzar: Last year was a complete write off in terms of Mason Raymond’s development. Just forget about it. Forget cut him some slack; in fact forget his on-ice product for just a minute. The man FRACTURED A VERTABRAE AND WAS BACK PLAYING PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY 6 MONTHS LATER!!! This wasn’t a muscle tear that requires time and you can get back out there. The mental aspect of the recovery is what’s so devastating about this. When Tom Brady came back from a devastating knee injury, Erik Cole when he returned from his crushing neck injury and dozens of dozens of other players who have gone through severe injuries of this magnitude, they stated that it takes longer than just the physical recovery time to get over an injury. You need to get used to getting hit again. This isn’t a video game where we just plug n’ play players on a whim, there’s a mental toll to it and I think it showed a lot last year in his play. He’s shown that he can pop in 25 goals as he did 2 years ago, and he didn’t necessarily play like a power forward, but he used his skill-set to his advantage and was able to generate himself chances. The following year he struggled a bit at the start and suddenly found himself on the 4th line with Jeff Tambellini ahead of him. He got jerked around onto all the lines and stunted a follow-up from his break-through year.

I’m not gonna pretend to defend how he played last year cause what I saw was basically a frightened played who hung around the outside, refused to initiate or take contact, and was pushed over quite easily. But it’s not a fair shake to use last year as his barometer for what he can do. He couldn’t do any work over the summer to develop his game. No on-ice work and no weight work for a developing 25 year old player is basically kryptonite. Factor in no training camp to develop any rapport or chemistry with his teammates, and then having to play catch up for game speed in December. I’m not ready to give up on one of the fastest players in the league, on a team that needs to play with speed, and isn’t a moron in his own zone. But THIS YEAR has to be it for him. If it’s the same song n’ dance, then by December cut ties with it. Plus players drafted out of the NCAA Players tend to take a TAD longer to come along (see Kesler, Ryan or Higgins, Chris for close to home proof of that) so giving him that one extra, but final year, is fine by me.

I don’t know if I would bring back Sami Salo even at $2 million. The Canucks are rumoured to be in play for 22 year old UFA Justin Schultz and he’s looking for a top 4 role, if you bring back Salo, you might not be able to snag Schultz, who I’d rather have considering he’s also an offensive defenseman. Unless Salo prepared to take about $1 million plus a 3rd pairing role, I think that’s the only way you bring him back.

What’s this team missing to you though? It’s back to back President Cup winning seasons (a completely meaningless achievement by the way, and something Canuck Fan loves to celebrate for some reason) and yet here we are, still looking for Cup #1.

TJ Molland: They aren't missing much. They could probably use another second line winger to play with Kesler, but only at the right price. If we free up cap space with a trade of Roberto Luongo, and don't have to overpay for Schultz, I think the Canucks should look at Brad Boyes. He is coming off a sub par year in Buffalo (8 goals 23 points) but I think given the right line-mates (Kesler and David Booth) he could get back to his 30+ goal scoring self (career high is 43 so he has the skills). It would take pressure of the Sedins and allow the Canucks role players to be role players instead of trying to jump into a second line scoring role.

So since it's the Canucks I figure we might as well do our dream lineup (realistic of course) for the start of the season. I'll go first:

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows
Booth - Kesler - Boyes
Higgins - Lapierre - Hansen
Kassian - Malhotra - Pinizzotto - Brad Winchester

Bieksa - Hamhuis
Edler - Schultz
Tanev - Ballard
Alberts - Salo

Chris Mason

The Canucks just need to figure out how to stay healthy through the playoffs and finally get over the hump. Some added toughness in the bottom six (hence the Winchester signing) would stop teams from taking shots at our better players. Oh and you will notice no Mason Raymond....because I still stand by what I said. He just doesn't fit here.

Bik Nizzar: Considering that all of those wingers, Booth, Higgins, Hansen, Kassian, Boyes are extremely streaky scorers.... why exactly can’t Raymond be a part of that group? You know Alain Vigneault is gonna rotate wingers on that line like no tomorrow and all 4 of them are gonna see time on different lines. It’s an inevitability with AV. The problem I have with that 2nd line is that there’s no play-maker. No guy who can harness the puck and look for his teammates. That’s why that line doesn't tick for me. Mikael Samuelsson was that guy 2 years ago, he might be a sniper but he could also find his teammates well. Kesler is best when he’s in his straight line transition game, Booth is a power forward who’s going to produce just based through sheer volume of shots and work rate... but who is going to distribute the puck on that line? I honestly think Booth could be a trade candidate. I know he was a recent addition but that was when we didn’t have Kassian who EVENTUALLY has to go into the top 6 role, otherwise that Cody Hodgson trade was completely pointless. And losing Booth’s contract frees up even more money for the off-season when we need to re-sign Alex Edler. I don’t necessarily think you have to add anyone up front, but I think you’d be better served going after Ray Whitney, if he hits free agency. I know John Tortorella is high on him, but if Brandon Prust makes it to July 1st I think you look at him.

One of my biggest peeves about this team and specifically the Gillis era has been their neglect to spend high picks on defenseman. How and WHY they passed on Kelowna D-man Damon Severson in the draft is beyond me considering he was sitting right there for them in the 2nd round. I cringed when I got to the Tanev/Ballard pairing and then seeing Alberts as the 7th guy. Defensemen get hurt in the NHL, it’s the nature of the position. Moving Luongo has to bring in a defenseman.... HAS TO. Just so the team can shore up the depth at the spot. If Edler goes down or Hamhuis, look at how everything shakes out. It’s disgusting and scary. I’m going to add in UFA Greg Zanon. He’s a beast at blocking shot’s, a low maintenance no nonsense d-man, who can fit on that 3rd pairing and is a hometown guy.

Sedin – Sedin – Burrows
Booth – Kesler – Kassian
Raymond – Lappiere – Higgins
Hansen - Malhotra – Prust

Bieksa – Hamhuis
Edler – Schultz
Zanon – Tanev
Ballard – Alberts

You’ll notice I left Ray Whitney off the list, mainly because I think he re-signs in Phoenix but also because we need to see what Kassian can do in a top 6 role. If you’re able to bring in Whitney, then Booth still strikes me as a likely trade candidate. Also one other free agent that I didn’t mention, that would be great for this team, Jason Arnott – I’d like to see some leadership brought in. Show this team how to win. He could fit in anywhere in the bottom 6, and considering Manny Malhotra got demoted to the 4th line last season and really struggled to find his game, could be a more than adequate replacement.

TJ Molland: I actually could dig Zanon in Vancouver. He brings a lot to the table for what would be a reasonable contract. I still wish we could get that elite #1 defenseman though. You know, that Chara, Weber, Pronger, Lidstrom type guy. That defenseman EVERYONE covets. That defenseman that would make any team better. That guy.

Jason Arnott presents an interesting option. He gives us another decent face-off man and also some size in the bottom 6. He can interchange between lines seamlessly and add an extra element to the power-play. The guy is responsible in his own end too finishing below even in +/- once in the last ten years. Now that I think about it I actually really like the idea of signing him.

One area that could also be addressed is some depth in the minor leagues. The Canucks are known for poor drafting and a weak prospect pool. If Gillis can make some moves to add a few prospects (like when you trade Luongo) it would shore up the future for this team. Then we wouldn't have to constantly be talking about free agents filling roster holes.

Monday, June 25, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - St. Louis Blues


TJ Molland: There was little patience in St. Louis to start the season. After missing the playoffs the year before, coach Davis Payne was on the hot seat and needed to prove to management he was the guy to get the job done. After a slow 6 - 7 start Payne was fired and Ken Hitchcock was brought in. The decision seemed to pay off as Hitchcock was just named the winner of the Jack Adams award for coach of the year. He lifted the Blues to the top of the Central Division for the first time since 2000, and through the final week were even in the hunt for the President's trophy. After a quick disposal of the Sharks in the first round of the playoffs the Blues met the eventual Stanley Cup champion LA Kings and were dispatched in a 4 game sweep. 

Not how the Blues wanted their season to end but the building blocks that have been put into place finally look like they are ready to achieve what they were expected to. I have a real liking for what the Blues have built. I actually expected them to do much better in 2010/2011 but they let me down a little. Last year they finally proved why I regarded them so highly, and why I think this team is for real.

With lots of cap room and very few people needing to be signed the Blues won't be overly active during free agency, but they will need to sign a few key pieces. TJ Oshie as well as David Perron are restricted free agents and MUST signs. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to re-sign unrestricted free agents Scott Nichol and Carlo Colaiacovo. Keeping this great core at the reasonable price they have them will be the key to the Blues long-term success.

Kyle Reynolds: Their first playoff series win since the 2003-04 season could be the first step in long-term success for the Blues of St. Louis.

It’s hard not to admire the way they’ve built their team through the draft and intelligent signings. They’ve created quite a bit of cap space for themselves, but the Blues aren’t the type to go and spend it all in one place.

Even for a defensive-minded club like St. Louis, you’re going to have a hard time going all the way when your leading scorer finishes with 54 points. A full season from David Perron, Alex Steen, and Andy MacDonald would help. Combine that with the likely arrival of 2010 first round picks Jaden Schwartz and Vladimir Tarasenko and the Blues should be significantly more potent up front. If UFA’s Jamie Langenbrunner and Jason Arnott choose to sign elsewhere, maybe you scoop up a free-agent forward for the bottom 6 (Lee Stempniak fits the bill).

St. Louis may have more quantity then quality when it comes to top-6 forwards, though. Maybe GM Doug Armstrong should be kicking the wheels on a deal to get back-to-back-to-back-to-back 30-goal scorer Bobby Ryan out of Anaheim…

TJ Molland: He certainly would have the pieces to pull of the trade, and with the arrivals of Schwartz and Tarasenko sooner rather than later you have to imagine, they could boast a deep offense with some real fire power. Keep in mind they also have Ty Rattie waiting in the wings, a former 2nd round draft pick who finished third in WHL scoring last year. Lots of talented young scorers that could play a role for this team in the coming years.

If the Blues want some instant help they can trade one of those young guys to get Bobby Ryan. He would provide a shot in the arm for a somewhat weak crop of wingers. Don't get me wrong there is lots of second rate talent on this team, which is how they win games, they are just missing that ELITE goal scorer. When two of your top four scorers are defenseman (Kevin Shattenkirk, Alex Pietrangelo) you aren't exactly threatening to teams. Be thankful you have that offense from the back-end but you cannot be relying on that many goals coming from them.

Goaltending had a lot to do with their success last year (that and allowing a league low 26.7 shots per game). Brian Elliott and Jaroslav Halak played fantastic during the regular season but didn't exactly replicate that success in the playoffs. Their numbers were skewed I think by Hitchcocks defense first mentality. Point in case (getting my math-hat on):

Halak had a .002 difference in save % this year, than from his last season in Montreal (11/12 STL .926 - 09/10 MTL .924). BUT he had a .43 difference in his GAA (11/12 STL 1.97 - 09/10 MTL 2.40). So what does that mean?

Halak made 2 more saves out of ever 1000 shots he saw.....and it amounted to almost a half a goal against LESS per 60 minutes of play. He faced 175 more shots this year than that season in Montreal and he played an extra game! Very similar to the D-Tipp Effect I spoke of earlier in the Philadelphia post.

Kyle Reynolds: The area St. Louis will most want to shore up through free-agency should be the blueline.

Re-signing Barret Jackman was the obvious first move. The veteran is going into his 11th season with the club, and the 31-year old is worth every bit of the 3-year, $9.5 million dollar offer he accepted and
probably more. The alternate captain has been criticized for his play in the L-A series (he finished -6 over 4 games), but the Kings aggressive forecheck got to most defensemen they faced during their
remarkably dominant run to the Cup. You won’t see him going end-to-end anytime soon (in fact, his one goal this season snapped a 150-game slump. 150!), but he’s hard-nosed; frees up Shattenkirk to roam with
his focus on the defensive side of the game; and is coming off a +20 season, tied for second on the team.

Kent Huskins and Colaiacovo – unrestricted free-agents – are both very solid contributors to the corps. I would place more value in re-signing Huskins personally; he’s more solid in his own zone and
probably cheaper. Colaiacovo is able to offer more offensively, but that’s a skill that’s covered more than adequately with the aforementioned Shattenkirk and Pietrangelo.

If one or both are lost to free-agency, one of Hall Gill or Colin White could add defensive depth and offer additional tooth length to a team that’s still pretty lacking in playoff experience. Two members of their 2007 draft class, Ian Cole and Cade Fairchild, may get the chance to compete for those spots instead.

Perhaps they could use depth in net at the minor-league level, but it’s pretty hard to complain…

TJ Molland: They are very well set up. Top-to-bottom, in ALL positions. You mention depth in net but I think they are fine. With Halak and Elliott signed for a couple more years each they won't need a goalie to push for a roster spot for a while. And then when they do they have Jake Allen who put up reasonable AHL numbers the last two years. Last year they drafted a goalie in the third round, Owen Sound Attack's Jordan Binnington, so even between the pipes they have plenty.

What St. Louis needs to get to the next level is to open up their game. They have proven they can play solid defense, the offense just has to be more aggressive. Once they start scoring at a top ten pace, they have to be considered a legit Stanley Cup contender (not that they aren't already a contender).

Kyle Reynolds: They're definitely in a nice position. If they're unable to produce the kind of offense to take them to the next level, they can package together any number of young prospects to make a pitch for a star.

If the NHLPA quashes league plans to reformat the divisions, we could be seeing a changing of the guard here... Lidstrom's retired, Kane's pulling the Blackhawks down with him, and Nashville's on the verge of
losing one if not both of their star defenseman. The Central could be St. Louis' for the taking.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Boston Bruins


TJ Molland: It was a stunning defeat that left the city of Boston with their jaws on the floor. Losing to the underdog Washington Capitals in the first round of the playoffs was not what fans expected. But the bullies from Beantown were sent packing, with a slap in the face known as parity in the NHL. The Bruins are still well off knowing they aren't losing any major pieces due to free agency this year, but do have some adjustments to make.

First and foremost the Bruins need to address this Tim Thomas not playing next year thing. The catch is if Thomas does not play the Bruins still have to pay his $5 million salary. For a team that has approximately $4 million in cap space less, with Anton Khudobin as their only signed goaltender, that spells trouble. Especially with former starting goaltender, Tuuka Rask, a restricted free agent. With his solid numbers he can be sure to expect a raise on his $1 million salary this year. So a decision on whether to move Thomas will need to be made soon. The only positive to this is that for a team looking to make the cap floor, Tim Thomas (who wouldn't get paid but his cap STILL counts) would be an intriguing piece. Your team gets an added $5 million in cap space without having to spend any money. Win-win for both sides.

A Rask/Khudobin combo is a great young duo to have, and could result in some fierce competition in net. To go with an already well built team that could spell troubles for the Eastern Conference. Bruins management just needs to be careful with their spending as they are heading towards a 2010 Chicago Blackhawks type situation where cap problems force them to move a lot of key pieces.

Kyle Reynolds: The Tim Thomas saga continues to get stranger. At first, most thought the zany goaltender simply wanted a year away from the pressures and commitments of being an NHL player.

But with Bruins GM Peter Chiarelli's recent admission that Thomas has waved his no-trade clause, it's become clear that it's more a matter of Thomas simply not wanting to play... for Boston.

While shipping the 38-year old out now would enable the team to free up some space to add offense (Boston managed one goal a game in 4 of their 7 playoff games against the Caps), the Bruins would be better served waiting until Roberto Luongo is dealt or even until the trade
deadline, when the market will likely be barren of top quality goaltenders.

While Bruins fans surely have visions of Rick Nash or Bobby Ryan dancing in their heads, the smart move is to do what Boston has been doing: Staying the course. I'm not among those that think a first-round playoff exit is reason to blow up an entire roster and rebuild, and the team needs to continually remind themselves that Tyler Seguin, Milan Lucic, and Brad Marchand will all be up for signifcant raises after the upcoming season.

Nathan Horton missed the post-season and will be an instant shot in the arm offensively when he returns. And so far this off-season the team has inked third-liners Chris Kelly and Rich Peverley, and fourth-liners Gregory Campbell and Daniel Paille (all of whom played
key roles in their 2011 Stanley Cup win) to long-term extensions.

Now you lock up Rask, add a cheap veteran for depth on the wing (perhaps Brian Rolston would be willing to resign at a more realistic wage?), hope either Dougie Hamilton or Torey Krug is ready for a full-time role on the Bruins blueline, and wait until the season begins to see what need you'd like to fill most in a Thomas deal.

And, most importantly, you wouldn't be hand-cuffing yourself before next year's crucial off-season.

TJ Molland: The Bruins just need to make sure that while they are staying the course they manage their cap well. Getting Thomas off the books will help immensely. If/When he is moved (for what I assume will be picks/prospects not roster players) you free up enough space to sign Rask and then a serviceable defenseman. With the cap situation the way it is you have to imagine one of Hamilton or Krug get a starting roster spot, but having a reliable bottom pair d-man to step up in case the rookies get in over their head will be handy. A Mike Commodore or Sean O'donnell type will fit the mold well

I wanted to touch quickly on their first round selection in the draft this past weekend, Malcolm Subban. To start, it is hilarious that there will be a Subban on either side of one of the most heated rivalries in the NHL. It w
ill make for some great writing material the first time they meet.

Why I want to touch on the pick is that I think it was a bit of a waste. We just talked about their goaltending situation (Rask [if they sign him] and Khudobin) and how both are pretty young and still hold bright futures. They also have 22 year old Michael Hutchinson who put up reasonable numbers (2.36 GAA 927 SV%) in 29 appearances for Providence of the AHL as well as 21 year old Adam Morrison, who was signed with Boston when Philadelphia did not tend him a contract offer after being drafted by them in 2009. It seems like goaltending wasn't a pressing need, yet they went there. What's the deal?

Kyle Reynolds: Goaltending is an absolutely must when your team lives and dies with its ability to suffocate opponents (and sometimes viewers) with its grinding, defensive approach.
Khudobin isn’t your average youngster trying to crack an NHL lineup. The 26-year old has spent the last 6 seasons putting up mostly impressive numbers in the KHL, ECHL, AHL, and NHL (7 GP with Minnesota and Boston).

I think it was a wake-up call late last season when he and Rask went down to injury and the scrambling Bruins had to briefly re-call Hutchinson (who needs more AHL crease time) before signing Marty Turco for the rest of the year. It’s time to restock the cupboard.

Khudobin’s a UFA in 2 years and having Hutchinson and Subban (and maybe Morrison) around to battle for that back-up spot can’t be a bad thing. You’re right though, adding a winger in the first round seemed like a much more likely option. Maybe they’ll take that route in a Thomas deal.

And speaking of players with familiar bloodlines, loyal Bruins fans have to be thrilled that the great Ray Bourque’s son, Chris, signed with the team, and the winger actually has a shot at cracking the lineup this year…

TJ Molland: He had some stellar numbers last year in the AHL. Would be sweet to see a Bourque in a Bruins uniform again. If he can impress in camp you can bet he will get a roster spot. Especially with a friendly $550,000 contract.

You have to peg the Bruins as the division favourites again this year. They are going to be tough to play against night-in and night-out. Their only enemy is going to be the cap ceiling. If they can stay under the cap without having to part with too many pieces they will be in the playoffs again next year.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Florida Panthers


Bik Nizzar: Hockey is back has finally arrived in Florida..... I think, I dunno, has it finally arrived? They finally made the playoffs (meaning the Toronto Maple Leafs have the longest active post-season appearance drought hahahahaha) and General Manager / Wizard Dale Tallon has done an INCREDIBLE job stockpiling assets for this team. I don’t think I’ve ever uttered these words:

I’m jealous of the Florida Panthers.

Yeah, that’s such a shocking statement that it needed its own paragraph. And yet they still seem like they’re a bit off, maybe because its Florida, maybe because Stephen Weiss is a 1st line center here, maybe because Jose Theodore is the goalie or maybe because THEY’RE POTENTIALLY TRADING FOR ROBERTO LUONGO! As a Canucks fan, I want him to land in Florida because they have so many great prospects I’d love to see in Vancouver. But if we’re doing the whole ‘GM for a Day’ thing for Florida, how and WHY do you mess with what you’re building? Lemme just rattle off this list of incredible prospects they’ve amassed in the past couple of seasons (we’ll try to break some of them down later in the e-mail, just want to show how much depth they have for now).

Centers: 2011 1st rounder Jonathan Huberdeau, 2011 2nd rounder Rocco Grimaldi, 2010 1st rounder Nick Bjugstad, 2010 2nd rounder John McFarland, 2009 2nd rounder Drew Shore.

Wingers: 2010 1st rounder Quinton Howden

Defence: 2010 2nd rounder Alex Petrovic, (I’m going to add current NHL and 2010 1st rounder Erik Gudbranson to this list)

Goalie: 2008 2nd rounder Jacob Markstrom

LOOK AT THAT LIST!!!! They’ve got guys at every position who are considered amongst the best prospects in their respective spots (especially Huberdeau and Markstrom). Now I know that’s an abundance of centers, but McFarland and Shore can/will probably move to the wing..... So that’s basically an ENTIRE core of a team, IN THEIR SYSTEM!!!!!  And they want to tamper with it by trading for Roberto Luongo?! I know bad drafting makes me angry, but apparently somehow good drafting also has made me angry...... TJ – take over.

TJ Molland: Hold on I need to google this roster just to remind myself who is actually on this team....
Alright, set. So first off, I need to make a correction. I am pretty sure you meant to say you are jealous of the Florida Panthers PROSPECTS. Because no one should be jealous of the lineup they have right now. I mean when it comes down to it they wouldn't have had enough points to make the playoffs in the Western Conference, let alone win a division (damn you terrible Southeast Division).

I am pretty sure this year was an anomaly for the Panthers. No playoff team should ever be in the bottom third in as many categories as the Panthers. Goals For (27th), 5-on-5 GF/GA (26th), Winning % when leading after the first period (25th), Winning % when leading after the second period (27th) and PK (25th) are just a few examples of where the kitty cats finished near the bottom of the league. And you are jealous of this?
Please enlighten me as to why I should be envious of a team that plays terrible during the season and still earn a playoff spot?

Bik Nizzar: The prospects are a part of the organization TJ. It’s all part of the collective vision to build a sustainable winning program. So I don’t feel the need to compartmentalize my envy for this franchise. Not really their problem that Tampa had no goaltending to slide them down in the South East division. Not their issue that Winnipeg couldn’t win on the road. No worries of theirs that Alex Ovechkin had a sub-par year, for his standards. And I’m sure they didn’t mind seeing Paul Maurice put Carolina in such a hole that Kirk Muller couldn’t get it fixed in time to make a run at the division title. They took advantage of all those things, and found a way to win the South East Division.

The NHL roster itself is alarmingly filled with over-achievers. I’m not gonna debate what this team did last year, cause this is about what’s to come for this team. And everything in that regard looks peachy-keen for the Sunrise State. You have a trio of young defensemen in Dmitry Kulikov, Gudbranson and Petrovic (a 6’4 semi-mobile bruiser). A stable of forwards who range from high skill guys (Huberdeau, Howden) 2 way forwards (Grimaldi, Bjugstad, Shore) and forwards with an edge (McFarland). Plus add, in my opinion the best goalie not in the NHL, in Jacob Markstrom. All the junk (and by junk, I mean the Tomas Kopecky, Tomas Fleischmann, Mike Weaver, Jose Theodore) that is on the roster right now will slowly be removed by all these prospects and its going to make for a pretty lethal team. It looks like Jason Garrison is going to test the free agent waters, and after the season he just had hard to blame him for doing so, but the Panthers have made him an offer and would like to retain him.

So please enlighten me, why aren’t you envious of this team?

TJ Molland: Give it 3 or 4 years. Then I think I will come around. But your points essentially back mine up. It was fortunate circumstance that allowed them to make the playoffs, not putting a winner on the ice. Dale Tallon is a smart man and he knows what he is doing. Most of those random players he acquired this past off season are set to have their contracts expire by 2015, which is right in that window I talk about. I am not a fan of this hodge-podge, mix-mash of players they have. I am a fan of what they should be able to present in a few years.
I have also heard Markstrom called the best goaltender not in the NHL. Hard to debate that. The man is great. I think it is time for him to prove it though. This is a perfect year to split duties with Theodore and learn what it takes to be an NHL goalie. Then when Theodore's contract runs out the following season he can take over full time duties.
The Panthers training camp might be one of the more fun ones to watch this fall with all their young talent buying for spots on the team. I doubt Tallon will be as busy this year in free agency as he was last year, but are there certain positions they are going to target this summer? They could use some depth on defense, but are they going to spend money to fill holes or let the young troops take over this year?

Bik Nizzar: 3-4 YEARS!?!??! IN TODAY’S NHL?!?! If you can’t right the ship in 3 years in THIS ERA, you’ve made a mistake. Which is what’s SOOOO shocking about the Edmonton’s of the world. Look at Chicago, Jonathan Toews first game was in 2007, he was Conn Smyth winner by 2010.... I’m not saying you have to win a cup in 3 years, but in this era, when  scouting is SOOOO much better than it was in the mid-late 90’s, if you can’t make the playoffs in 3 years of mediocrity, then you have problems internally. And the Panthers don’t have problems considering the talent they’re getting ready to bring up.

Defensive depth is a bit of an issue considering Garrison is on the way out, but when your top 4 are Campbell, Gudbranson, Kulikov, Jovanovski... yeah sure it’s not ELITE, but it’s not TERRIBLE. A reliable 3rd pairing guy, like a Kent Huskins could be valuable to them.

TJ Molland: The reason why I think it will take a year or two more is that all these guys aren't going to be playing for the Panthers next year. They will be relevant and probably push for a bottom playoff spot during those years, but it will be a while before all these grade A prospects get to make their mark and take this team to the next level. The way this team is set up is a bridge gap, from their time in mediocrity (the last 12 years) to the time when their prospects are ready to claim it their own (3-4 years from now). The personnel that are here are here to help the team be relevant.

As long as Florida doesn't make any irrational moves they are in a good position to steadily improve their team internally. They have got great results out of second rate talent this year. It will be interesting to see if that second rate talent can prove they are more than just that and get this team back to the post season again.

Friday, June 22, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Pittsburgh Penguins


Bik Nizzar: I love the days leading up to the playoffs because the whole world just anoints one team from the West and one team from the East as the two teams that will just inevitably play for the Stanley Cup. As if the 1st 3 rounds are just a formality, a warm-up for these two teams. WELLLLLL the Pittsburgh Penguins were that team from the East (Vancouver from the West *sigh*) and found themselves getting spun in circles in their own defensive zone in the opening round against the Flyers. It just seemed destined to work. They had Evgeni Malkin on a torrid pace, putting up MVP numbers.... THEN you add in Sidney Crosby back healthy?! Why wouldn’t that work?! Well Marc-Andre Fleury provided a few answers for that, plus the defense as a whole showed some flaws....

I don’t see Marc-Andre Fleury as the problem. I look at this defense, and it doesn’t really wow me at all. Outside of Kris Letang, they don’t have anybody that really strikes me as a mobile defenseman. Zbynek Michalek (I had to triple check that I didn’t typo that first name) and Paul Martin both possess decent first passes out of the zone, but are still just average in terms of skating ability. I know 2009 1st rounder Simon Despres will feature more this season and that will help, but for me adding some mobility to this defense is the name of the game this off-season and replace what Alex Goligoski gave them before he was traded.

One other question that surrounds this team.... Jordan Staal. His name is coming up in trade rumours and his deal is up next season. Now both sides have said they want to work something out, but given the Penguins tight cap situation, do you move him? Enter Semi-Flyers fan TJ Molland

TJ Molland: I can't tell you how excited I was for that Flyer victory....ESPECIALLY against the Penguins (that unnecessary hate we have for certain teams....this is mine). But really they were supposed to walk through the Eastern Conference. Just about everyone (including myself when I didn't have my hate on and looked at it rationally) thought they were a lock for the finals. For some reason they just imploded. The Flyers game plan of pestering the Pens stars until they were frustrated and off their game worked. When they exploded for 10 goals in game 4 of their series I thought that was a turn around point and they were going to get focused....apparently it was just a one time performance.

On to Jordan Staal now. As much as they want to keep him I just think that is a lot of money to tie down to three centers (the others being Malkin and Crosby). And with each guy capable of (and should be) playing 20+ minutes a night that eats up a lot of ice time. A simple solution is to move Malkin to the wing, but do you really tamper with the league’s current Art Ross/Hart winner? I mentioned in the Calgary post that they should move Staal for Jarome Iginla. It would give them another scoring winger to go with James Neal, and like I said in that post...Iginla + Crosby...drooooolll. There doesn't appear to be anyone ready enough to make that jump as far as prospects go so why not move a center that isn't completely needed for a winger that would be more beneficial to your team?

The off-season free agent signings haven't even started and already the Pens have made one of the more interesting moves trading a 7th round draft pick for goaltender Tomas Vokoun, and then signing him for 2 years at $2 million per season. What do you make of this? Lost faith in Fleury or just a security blanket?

Bik Nizzar: I liked the Vokoun move. Brent Johnson, unlike the year before, provided very little in way of relief and support going 6-7 with a 3.11 GAA and a .883 save%. Fleury played 67 games last year, and I don’t think that number is too high, it’s just the placement of Johnson’s starts were so weird. He got 4 in October, then only 5 between November and January, 3 more in February, and 2 in March. So I think with Vokoun’s addition it will not only keep the total number down, but he won’t have to start so many in a row to keep him fresh for the playoffs.

I used to get angry at this team and their inability to provide wingers for 87 (just FYI, I refer to Crosby as 87... I paid an ASTRONOMICAL price to get him in my fantasy league, and considering how much I gushed over him during the season, it got tedious to continually type out C-R-O-S-B-Y to my league mates) and Malkin, but they solved that with Neal who they got for Goligoski (a deal I’d still do despite my previous e-mail lamenting mobile d-men on this team). 2010 1st rounder Beau Bennett should be featuring with the team sooner or later though. Plus they’ve got this Pascal Dupuis guy. What, you think he’s a grinder?!? I can understand why you might think that considering he’s never eclipsed the 40 point mark. Last year he hit 59 and before you think “well he musta played with 87 (I’m glad you’re starting to say 87) when he came back” – wrong!  He played with Crosby roughly 2% of the season. He had a NHL HIGH 17 game point streak to round out the Regular Season. So the wing issue is fine.

With the wing issue fixed I don’t think you need to panic and make that Staal for Iginla move. This team got CRUSHED by injuries to key players last year.  Most notably with 87’s concussion, but Letang only played 51, Staal featured in 62.... I think keeping a guy like Staal would be huge for them. It’s not like they’re struggling with scoring that they NEEEEED Iginla. They averaged 3.33 goals per game, which was tops in the league and the next closest was Boston at 3.17. Staal has a role on this team, playing 1st line minutes if you need him to, or playing a checking role if you need him to. He just... fits.

TJ Molland: OK....welll....good goaltending....unlimited top line centers......good wing depth.....uhh I guess we talk defense now? I....uh....yeah pretty much set there too I guess eh? THIS IS WHY I HATE THIS TEAM!! There shouldn't be any reason why they don't win the league next year (barring injuries of course). They have such a great core, good depth, , good management,  good coaching and draft reasonably well. I am digging deep but I am going to find something to rant about that they don't do well.

Ah, here we go. Pittsburgh finished last in the league, 30th, the WORST in......takeaways....Like really that's all I've got. BUT here is why it is important. Takeaways lead to scoring chances. When you have the puck, the other team can't score either. So it is IMPERITIVE that the Penguins fix this problem. Otherwise we will have to continuously mock them for their inability to get the puck from other teams. They are like that poor kid you make the 'piggy' in piggy-in-the-middle. You know, the one that everyone knows won't ever get the puck/ball and will forever be in the middle of the circle. And everyone is laughing at his poor athletic my friends were cruel to me....

But no really, I had to DIG, and DIG DEEP just to find some stat the Pens weren't in the top half of the NHL in. They don't have any glaring weaknesses, and have pretty much the same roster returning. The few players that are free agents, Eric Tangradi, Matt Niskanen (both RFA's) Aaron Asham (UFA), can all be re-signed (if they choose) for reasonable prices that you have the space for. So your turn Bik?

Bik Nizzar: I really like Matt Niskanen and it baffled me that he was a throw in from the Goligoski-Neal trade. He could help what I was talking about earlier about having more mobile d-men, but yeah it’s baffling why this team was ousted in Round 1 with such ease.
You forgot to mention the great coaching this team has. Dan Byslma definitely is in that elite tier of coaches in this league, and that takeaway stat surprises me so much given how this team plays. He encourages vertical hockey, constant north-south action (another reason finding a mobile defenseman could help that), but it’s all going to boil down to how this team plays in the playoffs. I think having 87 back healthy for a full year is gonna do wonders, and maybe we were just a year too early on predicting a cup for these guys.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Nashville Predators


TJ Molland: We could see an entirely different Nashville Predators team next year if they aren't willing to spend some money. It seems like just about every prominent player on the Nashville payroll is up for a new contract. The top defensive pairing of Shea Weber and Ryan Suter (where have I heard this name before....) are restricted and unrestricted free agents respectively. Top six forwards Alex Radulov, Sergei and Andrei Kostitsyn are up for new contracts as well. Although it looks like Radulov will be heading back to the KHL this season. For a team notorious for not spending money, they must look at this and be sweating. For those 4 players you are looking at around $20 million. On a team that spent only $52 million last year that is a good chunk of your cap being spent on a fifth of your roster. Don't forget you already have $30 million tied up in signed players.

It just doesn't look like they are going to be able to sign everyone. Pretty sure the bulk of this debate is going to be Weber and Suter so we might as well get the ball rolling on that.

I want to start by saying Shea Weber is one of the top 5 players in the NHL. It is hard to find a more well rounded player with the passion and skill that Weber possesses. If you are Nashville GM David Poile you bend over backwards to make this man happy. You already messed up once offering him $4.5 million last year when he was a restricted free agent (awarded $7.5 million in arbitration to give you an idea how much of a low ball that was). If you do that to him again this year you can bet he leaves once he is eligible to become an UFA in 2013. To make this man the franchise corner stone you want to build around you have to offer him a lengthy contract at a realistic price. As incredible it is to have Weber, Suter and goaltender Pekka Rinne protecting your net, it is mighty expensive to keep in tact. Money it doesn't seem Nashville wants to spend. So who do you let walk....

Bik Nizzar: Firstly, credit to them for taking the approach they did. They went all in this year, and the cards didn’t turn up the way they had hoped, but they committed to winning and I love seeing that. But now they have to deal with the repercussions of that failure. I know they operate on a budget that isn’t the league salary cap, but you use whatever leverage you have right now. They needed to sign Weber to a big deal last year, and then convince Suter to stay now, and if you happened to lose him... so be it; you were able to keep Weber. Instead they went about it in reverse and screwed the pooch.  Now if you don’t keep Suter, you’ve lost Weber. I don’t think it plays out in any other fashion. Weber wants to win....... badly. Here’s an excerpt from an interview with the Tennessean talking about him signing long-term:

“Any time you commit yourself it’s somewhere you want to play and somewhere you believe in. If that’s the case, if I’m going to sign there, it’s going to be a long-term deal, and if not we’ll have to decide and kind of go our separate ways.”

If Suter isn’t back, why would this guy want to stay here? You were conservative in my opinion by saying he’s a top 5 player, because I’ll say top 3. If you had to build your team around 1 player, for me that order would go: Crosby-Weber-Toews.

So let me just throw this to you. In the WORST CASE SCENARIO, Ryan Suter signs elsewhere on July 1st......... When do you trade Shea Weber?

TJ Molland: That is the tough part because trading Weber (especially if you lose Suter) is an admittance of defeat. Do you really think the Nashville lineup can compete with the best teams if they don't have Weber or Suter? Their defensive depth is good but you don't replace that kind of talent with just anyone. Keep in mind that at the time of writing this the Predators have 3 defensemen signed, Kevin Klein, Roman Josi and your boy Ryan Ellis. It's been a while since we mentioned how shallow the free agent market is on defense so not having either of the big two is a recipe for not making the playoffs.

If you are going to trade Weber you do one of three things. Get it done early, like possibly before the season. As a restricted free agent you can still get a lot for him. Or if you want to take the chance, you sign him for the season and see how you are at deadline time. If you are competing you take the chance and hold him until playoffs and trade his rights for the marginal price you can to some team who hopes to sign him before he hits free agency. If you are not competing, you trade him at the deadline to some team who is ready to make a splash. Not what Preds fans want to hear but if he isn't going to stay you MUST get something in return for him.

Let's get off the defense for a second, how do you see the offense playing out? Now that Radulov has said he will be playing in Russia (good riddance) you are once again searching for that pure goal scorer. Who do you think is on the Nashville radar Bik?

Bik Nizzar: I’d get the Weber deal done early. Even with Weber you’re going to compete, but let’s face it, this team isn’t the same without Suter and they really need the pair of them to excel and be cup contenders. Why risk Weber getting hurt during the season and not being able to move him at the deadline? Why not bring in the pieces you’d acquire for training camp and get them all settled in now? Plus if its NHL ready prospects you acquire or young players needing bigger roles, why not have them play bigger roles in Nashville and further their development in your system?

What a mess with Radulov. I thought it sent the wrong message to the team when they brought him in to begin with. And while he is an exciting player and some of the older players that knew him stuck up for him, their faith wasn’t rewarded when he broke curfew and pulled that stunt in the playoffs, where he partied all night on game night.

I don’t think there are any fixes in free agency, plus they don’t need to be spending more money if they want to keep Weber-Suter. Factoring this team’s penchant for drafting elite defenseman over forwards, there isn’t a great deal to like in their forward crops. Not that there aren’t good players, I just don’t see the anything that would rival Radulov’s skill.

We’ll start at the draft as to how to replace his offense. The Preds draft 21st – BUT WAIT! They don’t have that pick because it’s in Buffalo’s hands from the Gaustad trades. Yikes. They do draft 37th and 50th and I know it doesn’t fit this team’s mantra – but they have to try to swing for the fences as far as scoring talent goes. He shouldn’t be available at 37, but if they can move both picks and trade up to get Center Stefan Matteau who has a good blend of size (6’1, 210lbs) and speed, he is an option. I think of the players expected to go 20-30, he’s probably got the most upside. If they want to stick in their respected spots, other players they can look at are speedy left-winger Pontus Aberg from Sweden or American left-winger Nicolas Kerdiles, who brings some size, but doesn’t necessarily always use it properly. But players of this mold are not necessarily the high floor guys that they like to draft, but high ceiling guys. Trust your developmental system, and take a risk!

After really reviewing what this team has up front, it just gives more credence to the ‘Trade Shea Weber’ campaign. Replenish the front line because they’ve repeatedly drafted defenseman and I think they’ll still be a DECENT NHL defensive core with the likes of 2007 1st rounder Jonathan Blum, 2008 2nd Rounder Roman Josi, and 2009 1st Rounder / my BOIIIII Ryan Ellis Those are just guys that haven’t really gotten a full sniff at the NHL. Add in Kevin Klein, who is often over-looked for his defensive work on that team because of The Big 2. Klein is also a UFA next off-season, so lock him down now. (2 important things to point out here.... 1. For “my guys” I have to go with the capitalized BO and at least a quadruple I...... rather than just say “my boy”....... 2. For our faithful readers it’s imperative to know that there are certain players that I will just irrationally love, promote, and defend blindly....Also I will try to conjure up the most random trades to get said players onto the Vancouver Canucks.... Ryan Ellis is one of those players on that list.)

You should be able to get at LEAST 2 good/great forward pieces for Weber EASILY, and this is going to sound bizarre, but this team could/should target defenseman in free agency. Go after Jay Garrison, replace those goals from Weber with a cheaper Garrison. Try a Matt Gilroy out, he’s only 27 and this team’s ability to groom defenseman is unparalleled so maybe they can have him reach the potential that he showed before being signed as a college free agent by the Rangers in 2009. And really any defense is going to look better with Pekka Rinne behind it.

TJ Molland: Hahah this article keeps coming back to defense. Even as soon as we mention offense it's a quick "nope, not Nashville's style. Build from the back-end first". Go look at their roster. Now tell me where they finished in the NHL in goals for last year.....8th. Never would have guessed.....ever. They don't need super-stars and it works because everyone knows they have to chip in. Even if one line isn't producing it hurts the team as a whole. This is where we give credit to coach Berry Trotz who is one of the three best coaches in the league. He gets the most out of his players every year. "Oh I have mediocre start power to work with up front? Here is a top ten offense".

They will need to sign a couple free agents to compensate for some departures or they won’t be back in the top ten offensive teams. But you should be able to get a player like an Alexei Ponikarovsky or Lee Stempniak for added scoring depth at a reasonable price. It won't be glamorous but when has Nashville's offensive output ever been glamorous?

The Preds could quickly be thrown into rebuild mode if they lose both Suter and Weber. They have a knack for getting good results out of young players and guys like Blum, Ellis and Josi will be forced to play bigger roles probably sooner than hoped. It will be big shoes to fill but the depth on D here is incredible. Same with the forward corp, no stand-out names but the Craig Smiths and Colin Wilsons they keep finding will fit their mold perfect.

Oh, and obligatory "They have a top ten goalie yada yada yada they are fine in net" paragraph.....well.....sentence....

Bik Nizzar: It’s not so much ignoring offense, it’s that there’s no short-term fix for this team. So defense becomes SUCH a priority. They also had the league’s best PP at 21.6%, but I think that number will come down. Only team to repeat as #1 power play in back to back seasons was Montreal in 2007 and 2008.

I clicked on the teams stats, nobody over 60 points, only 2 players with over 20 goals. And Martin Erat led the team in scoring with 59 points...............  I repeat.... Martin. Erat. Led. The. Team. In. Scoring. With. 59. Points.

I stand by my trade Shea Weber (IF RYAN SUTER DOESN’T RE-SIGN) and still say target some high upside guys in the draft to help this offense down the road, because again, there’s no explosive guy they’ll be able to find right away. Unless they want Alex Semin...... haha how funny would he be under Barry Trotz.

I guess there is 1 thing they can do to get some young, dynamic players in now..........

Elaborate 3 Team Trade:
Toronto Acquires Roberto Luongo from Vancouver
Nashville acquires Nazem Kadri from Toronto, Anton Rodin from Vancouver
Vancouver acquires Ryan Ellis from Nashville and Toronto's 2013 1st round pick.

See - irrational trades to get my BOIIIII Ryan Ellis in a Canucks uniform.