Tuesday, June 19, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Detroit Red Wings


Bik Nizzar: The model franchise. The perfect set-up from top to bottom. The one franchise that every team is in awe of and wishes to emulate their success. It’s time for the Detroit Red Wings. And after 20 years, this team might FINALLY have a weakness. It is going to be really really REALLY weird to not see Nicklas Lidstrom patrolling that blue line. Seriously though, this isn’t some injury where we think “oh they’ll have Lidstrom back soon...” – WE’RE NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN!!!! As happy as I am as a Canucks fan to think that Lidstrom won’t be shutting down the Sedins’ anymore, I am severely going to miss #5’s mastery of the position. And even some players showed their respect for Lidstrom on his retirement. This is a David Perron tweet on his retirement day:

@DP_57 If everyone would play the game the right way like Nicklas Lidstrom did there wouldn't be many concussions in the NHL #gentleman#HOF

Interesting point for a guy that’s been dealing with concussions since Joe Thornton knocked him out.

Now onto the actual team. MAAAAAAAN ALIVE are they ever clever. Their defense went from:

Lidstrom- Niklas Kronwall
Brad Stuart-Ian White
Kyle Quincey-Brendan Smith-Jonathan Ericsson

To: Kronwall-White
Ericsson-Jakub Kindl

...... low and behold they have SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH CAP SPACE that they can make a prime run for Ryan Suter. How do you replace a guy like Lidstrom? You bring in elite talent when elite talent becomes available. Now there could be some reticence on Suter’s part to go there, because who wants to be the one to actually try to fill THOSE skates left behind by #5? But considering that Detroit has enough dollars available to convince him that he is the right guy to fill that spot, it’s a viable destination.

And it’s not like Detroit is willing to stop there when it comes to the blue-line, they’re also one of the front-runners to land 21 year old UFA Justin Schultz. If you don’t know the story about Schultz, a 2nd round pick in 2008, he’s never signed a contract with the Anaheim Ducks (we broke down what a fail this was by the Ducks here) and after 4 years his rights are released if he doesn’t sign a contract by June 25th. He then goes to free agency like every other player on July 1st. He’s developed quite well the past two years at the University of Wisconsin and Detroit is one of the lead candidates to land him along with Vancouver and Edmonton. What’s incredible is the chance Detroit has to build with Wisconsin products. Suter played his NCAA hockey at UW, Brendan Smith is also an UW product, so there’s a pitch for them to make.

Schultz is only eligible for a standard entry-level deal because it’s his first NHL contract. So that means it won’t cost as much as you’d think, even though he’s going to be as sought after as Suter and oh some guy named Zach Parise, who by the way, would be a perfect fit for this team right now. OH AND BEE-TEE-DUB, THEY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO SIGN HIM AS WELL... The 3 most sought after free agents could all end up in Detroit. I’m going to sit and think on that for a minute.

TJ Molland: Did we say model franchise already? Perfectly set-up? I mean these aren't homer comments from a Wings fan, this is an envious fan wishing his team would operate the same way.

I want to tip my hat to Lidstrom. So glad I had the opportunity to watch him play. Such a class act and a poster boy for how the game should be played.

The Red Wings cap management is the best in the league. They finished 18th in cap spending last year. It’s crazy how they can keep a team of that talent together for that price, which is why they are able to make runs at specific players when they become available (Suter, Ryan). With approximately $26 million in cap space to sign maybe a half dozen players, the Wings can compete dollar wise on any player they want this summer. And Suter will be prime target #1.

I realistically see Suter ending up in the Red and White. They have the cap space, the team to contend, and the reputation to entice a fellow of his caliber to play there. The deciding factor for whether or not Suter plays in Detroit next year will be dollars. I don't see them making the biggest offer to him, but they will pull the ole "But you get to play with the likes of Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Howard etc etc. who all took discounts to sign other better players". And guys are buying into that now. If he wants a chance to win that's where he goes, if he wants money he will sign elsewhere (not that he won't get a good pay cheque from Detroit).

The depth on wing should also be addressed this summer. At first glance it's atrocious, then you look at their stats and it becomes a game of "Oh really, that guy had that many points?!" 16 players broke the 20 point mark, the most of the top 10 scoring teams in the league last year. So although an upgrade along the wing will help, it isn't absolutely urgent (did we mention this team is set up well?). This however is where Parise comes into play.

Adding a man of his talents to an already solid core of players would finally allow a few of the role players to be more of that. They won't be REQUIRED to score as much as they do. Not saying they aren't capable but scoring depth is what helps you win championships. And as I said when you look at their lineup the winger depth is suspect. They get it done....we just don't know how...

Parise - Datsyuk - Zetterberg......drooooooooolllllllll.......

Bik Nizzar: I’m sitting here, looking at the blinking cursor taunt me as I think of what else this team can do to help themselves. They just are the model franchise. I’m not sure if I’m even worthy enough to offer critique on this team, whereas a team like the Flames, with my inflated ego – it’s a pleasure to do so. I’m losing this battle of wits with this cursor........ DAMN YOU CURSOR!!!

Detroit is just Detroit. They have this uncanny ability to unearth guys because they do this remarkably novel idea of playing developing players in proper roles. How big is the mystique about Detroit? When a random guy like Gustav Nyquist (4th round draft pick in 2008) comes up from the AHL, even though he was only playing 10-11 minutes a game, I picked him up in my fantasy league. Why? Because Nyquist is an offensive player and Detroit would never have him play a 3rd or 4th line role for those 10-11 minutes. He went on to score 6 points in 9 games in March... And because it’s Detroit, you just kind of shrug your shoulders and say “Detroit is at it again”. They are the opposite of Calgary. They know players strengths and weaknesses and tailor their development towards that, and then put them in opportunities they will succeed at.

As for immediate needs though, they have some RFA’s that need to be dealt with but really shouldn’t cost a whole heck of a lot. Darren Helm, Justin Abdelkader (of all the last names in the NHL that you’d think would be for a foreign player, his has to be the tops.... how is he American?!) and Quincey. I’d be amazed if in total that cost them more than $8 million, and that’s being EXTREMELY generous to Helm and Abdelkader.

It’s been said for years that maybe their top 6 needs to get younger, but Pavel Datsyuk still put up 67 pts in 70 games, Zetterberg struggled early but turned it on late and finished with 69 pts in 82 games. So for the draft, given their expertise with later picks (they have no 1st round pick because of the Quincey trade),they should use them on forwards and do what Detroit does, and develop them.

TJ Molland: Isn't it remarkable how they just pull talent out of nowhere? I think what separates them from the rest is finding players that fit certain molds and, like you said, groom them to be best fitted for that role. It makes it easier for the players knowing they will get to do what they are best at, and get to keep playing in their comfort zone.

I am most interested to see what they do with the likes of the UFA's. Holmstrom will be better off retiring I think. Not that he doesn't have it in him anymore, it's just not ideal to have him play 10 minutes a night in a limited role. Let some new talent onto the team to fill the big shoes he will leave in front of the net. He has taken enough punishment and earned himself enough credit that he can walk away and no one would question it. The man is one of the best within 3 feet of the crease.

The other UFA of note is Jiri Hudler. After jetting off to Russia, only to return and play again for the Wings, I am curious as to whether or not he wants to stay in North America. If the Wings go after Parise then you can bet they let Hudler go, but if Parise isn't an option, then he will probably be re-signed. He is a good asset to have for added depth. Given the opportunity he could probably break the 60 point mark.

As seems to be a pattern for teams with a top 10 goaltender we once again have yet to mention it. Jimmy Howard will be the go-to guy and may be a little busier this year not having Lidstrom in front of him. This will be the real test year for him as he enters the final year before he becomes an unrestricted free agent. Contract years are always fun to watch because you know that guy is seeing dollar signs with every save. Behind him is Joey MacDonald who will be perfect to play the 20ish games of relief for Howard. Nothing new here just good ole Detroit doing the ole Detroit thing of producing talent.

Wow, this is a lot easier when we can just rip into teams instead of saying "yup, pretty much good everywhere"

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