Saturday, June 9, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Winnipeg Jets


TJ Molland: So I learned something today. Blake Wheeler led the Jets in points.....I did not know that. Injuries to Byfuglien had a role to play in that, as he had the same pts/g average, but surprising to say the least.

Not so surprising was the way the season went for the Jets last year. Sure people expected them to make the playoffs but it was no surprise they were battling for the last of the playoff spots all year. It really was a shame they didn't make it. It would have been the perfect coming home story for the Jets. The fans deserved it. But if the team wants to give the fans what they deserve they need to step it up a notch.

Evander Kane took great steps forward last year with his play but the other prospects seem to still be lagging behind. The few core pieces all played well, but sometimes well, isn't good enough. They will need more out of the likes of Burmistrov and Antropov all the while hoping Ladd, Little and Pavelec can find that next gear. With lots of cap space ($33 million) and few players (14) signed it could be a way for the front office to put a Winnipeg stamp on this Thrasher carcass.

Bik Nizzar: Blake Wheeler had a very good season and things are looking up for Winnipeg with him a part of it. Good to see him come into his own again after a good year in Boston, which seems a distant memory. It’s incredible what a change of scenery can do for not just a player – but an entire team. This team was dead in the water in HOTlanta (if I didn’t get to say HOTlanta at least once in this, I’d have been pretty upset with myself) and are COMPLETELY reborn and exciting in Winnipeg as the J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!!!!! Andrew Ladd’s overall impact doesn’t always show up on the box score, so yeah in a way it’d be nice for him to have 30-30.... I think that 50 pt mark, if he can CONSISTENTLY hit that, is just as valuable considering how much he means to that team, and how he’s embraced that city.

The question is, can they duplicate what they did last year? Honeymoon season is over. Now it’s time to get down to brass tacks and wear off some of the stink in the prospect cupboard. Outside of Mark Scheifle there’s not much else to like down the middle. They’ve got former 2nd rounder pick Ben Maxwell, who I only remember for fighting PK Subban in rookie camp (seriously – Maxwell was drafted in 06, what’s he doing in ROOKIE CAMP in 2010).

Brian Little showed why he was made a high selection, but in spurts and I’m sorry, but Kyle Wellwood isn’t a long term solution at center. This team played a LOT better than I imagined they would, and credit to the fans in the MTS center for that. But also a ton of credit to Claude Noel. He’s a different kinda guy and sometimes it off-puts people but he did a tremendous job getting the best out of this team. The defense still frightens me and I think that’s what they should go after in the draft. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!! That’s just fun to shout out.

TJ Molland: Hahahah you seem pretty amped to be writing about the Jets. I too am excited about the Jets but I think we need to get down to the hard issues here. This team needs work. I'll start with goaltending.  Ondrej Pavelec is not the goalie they were hoping he would be. He is still young (24) and will improve his play, but when your best statistical year is a 2.73 GAA and a .914 SV% you aren't exactly screaming starting goaltender. I will cut him some slack because of the poor defensive play in front of him. As a RFA he will likely be back, but this may be the last chance he gets to prove he is THE guy.

Maybe he needs a little push? How about bringing in a goalie that could challenge him for the #1 spot? Say a Josh Harding or Jonas Gustavsson? (Like I said during my Toronto rant.....the free agent goaltending market is uhhh GROSS!!!!) I am not surprised this defense scares you. It has some decent names but they really do not live up to expectation. With 6 veteran d-men already signed it looks like they will be going with the same group unless someone surprises at camp. With (strikethru)little(strike) nothing in the form of prospects on the back-end it might be wise to use their first round pick on a defenseman. 

Up front the Jets could use some good secondary scoring. How about brining in the last remaining original Jet, Shane Doan? Think of how awesome that would be.

Bik Nizzar: Or Teemu Selanne....... heck, bring the pair of ‘em in – Now THAT would be special.

Pavelec, ech...... I legitimately don’t know what to make of him. 2 Weeks he looks AWFUL... 2 works he looks world class. And when you’re getting goaltending that is erratic like that – it’s time to find your netminder elsewhere. He can be an ok stop-gap for another year or 2, but they need a marquee goalie to either develop or go out and acquire via trade or free agency. Problem with going the trade route, they aren’t exactly full with prospects. A veteran guy like a Biron (who I think is gonna get over-paid in the free agent market because he seems to be a popular choice for a lotta teams this off-season) could work for them, but that still isn’t a LONG term solution.

Perhaps trading down outta their draft spot – pick up another 2nd rounder, and go after the goalies in the draft. Both Malcom Subban and Andrei Vasileski are highly touted (mind you I subscribe to the theory that there is never a sure fire goalie to select early in ANY draft, but this would enable them to stock up on picks/prospects and get a goalie to develop). Canadian Fans will remember Russian goalie Vasilevski for his play in the World Junior Hockey Championship last holiday season. But if the Jets are content at staying in the 9 spot, start building the LA and Nashville way. Stockpile on Defense, build from the goal out – you have some pieces up front so you’re ok there, but start solidifying the back end.

Players like Dustin Byfuglien (does anyone actually pronounce that Buff-lin or do we all still say Bye-fuuuug-lee-en?), Tobias Enstrom are nice but offensive minded, albeit very elite at that skill. The likes of Ron Hainsey (how and why does Ron Hainsey have a No Trade Clause?! That’s basically all you need to know about the Atlanta Thrashers organization, that Ron Hainsey got a No Trade Clause) and Mark Stuart don’t strike me as the imposing stay-at-home d-men you want to off-set your offensive d-men with. I will say Zach Bogosian might have shredded the “bust” label with his play last season.

TJ Molland: First off how dare you doubt Ron Hainsey's NTC. He once put up 39 points and was only -16! That is totally worthy of that no trade clause. I'm beginning to doubt your credentials.....(end sarcasm) I think you made my point about drafting a defenseman even more valid with your points about drafting a goaltender in early rounds. Why gamble on a goalie that you can possibly grab with your own second round pick. Take one of the top defenseman who have a way better chance of panning out. Still fits your mold of building from the back end out, you just have to find a way to get a goaltender still. Which in essence should be the only reason you part with your first round pick. To trade for a legit goaltending prospect.

Before I go any further I would like to scald myself for forgetting Selanne was a Jet (any and all insults are welcome and much deserved). They should bring back both for their swan years just to keep fans excited through the somewhat rebuild that is much needed. Be patient Jets fans. You inherited a mess and it won't turn into gold overnight. 

PS: As a Canucks fan it will forever by By-Fugly

PPS: I totally contributed nothing in this e-mail except sarcasm and the encouragement to verbally abuse me....

Bik Nizzar: Your contribution, or lack thereof, is noted. You basically pulled an Alex Kovalev on this e-mail thread. Just showed up for a paycheque.... From here on out you’re known as a paycheque blogger until proven otherwise. Fans of The Extra Period will shout at you as you hit keystroke after keystroke with a meek conviction.

I really hope this team makes the playoffs, because I badly want to see what the MTS Center will be like in a playoff atmosphere. It’ll be the other 29 buildings to shame I imagine. 

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