Tuesday, June 12, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Buffalo Sabres


Bik Nizzar: First and foremost about this team – Congrats to Rick Jeanneret for winning the Foster Hewitt Award and entering the Hall of Fame. Some people love him and hate him for the same reason, but I’m very much in the camp of loving this guy.  It’s always entertaining to listen to him on a broadcast because he’s got so much energy and enthusiasm.

Onto the team – It’s hard to decide what this team should do. They’ve long embraced the idea of going with high skill players no matter the size, and there was a time when it looked like it was gonna work but then injuries took over and their chance was squandered. Briere and Drury departed and they haven’t really had the same contender feel since. Last season they were a bit of a victim to their own riches. They finally got sound ownership and were willing to spend, and they spent money wildly, and it really backfired. Ville Leino – really?! $4.5 MILL?!? This team is always gonna be too small up front, so for me they need to remedy that first.

On defense, it’s forming nicely. Tyler Myers has kinda regressed from his rookie campaign and they locked up Christian Ehrhoff to that MAMMOTH deal, but add in Brayden McNabb and Mark Pysyk from the prospect ranks, and this team can provide a quality back end in front of an elite goalie in Ryan Miller (and yes, despite his early season struggles, he still is an elite goalie).

TJ Molland: I will second the congrats to Jeanneret. The man has so much passion and excitement.

It was remarkable the two faces this team had. There was the pre-new year Buffalo that was terrible on the ice, mentally breaking off it, and in a downward spiral no one thought they would get out of. Then there was post new-year Buffalo that made an incredible run that almost resulted in a playoff berth (the opposite to the Maple Leafs strategy). You nailed it when saying they shouldn't have got all greedy and signed all these players to albatross contracts. I'll re-iterate....VILLE LEINO....$4.5 MILLION!!!! EEEEEWWWWWW.

They got away from their 'build from within' mentality and it didn't work. The Sabres have all the pieces to be a contender still, as exhibited by their defense. You forgot to mention the veterans they have in store ahead of the prospects. Jordan Leopold, Robyn Regehr, Ehrhoff and Myers form a formidable top 4, and when they are backed by Ryan Miller it should be a top 10 defense. Being the third highest paid defense as well means you HAVE TO be a top 10 defense this year.

Ryan Miller (who I never realized had so much anger, but was thoroughly entertained by it) didn't have a terrible season as far as statistics went. But he needs to be better than average for this team. This team is built around him and his ability to steal games. When he isn't doing that, this team won't be a playoff contender. 

As far as average teams go, this is the one. Seriously. I was looking at some of the basic stat categories for teams and Buffalo finished in the middle third in GF, GA, PP, PK, FO, 5-on-5. I know this team is better, it just needs to show it. Someone on this team needs to take charge, make it their own, and start leading the way to a playoff appearance

Bik Nizzar: I think Miller’s season statistics were weighed down by the HORRENDOUS start he had, because he was INCREDIBLE the last month of the season. Trust me, I know. I had to go against him in my fantasy hockey playoffs and it wasn’t fun.

As much as you wanna say this team needs to take charge..... Who on this team is gonna do it? Cody Hodgson?! Sorry but he doesn’t strike me as THAT kind of player. A good player, I grant you that, but I just don’t see the “don’t worry guys, I got this” gene in him. At the drop of a hat he’s going to get a goal. Vanek has more of that in him I believe and I’m not sure he’s the guy even. What’s strange is that being “average” or even just consistent in the Eastern Conference should net you favourable results. It’s shocking how up n’ down the Eastern Conference is in comparison to the Western Conference.

The defense is pretty good and will definitely be formidable with Miller behind it, but to me this team lacks some character. You referenced how angry Miller got last season, and I don’t blame him. That whole Lucic running him episode was something to get angry about, but also the way that NOBODY on that team stood up for Miller. And I have no reason to believe this so I’m just shooting off the cuff here, but I wonder if that incident played a role in their early season woes. Maybe the locker room atmosphere just wasn’t where it should be for this team.  It’s 1 of those unwritten rules in hockey’s code – you run our goalie, you pay the price – and this team just decided to omit it for that moment, and I think it played a bigger part in their season than it should have.

TJ Molland: So how does this team fix the off ice issues? I mean what players do you target? Or is that even the solution? It pains me to say this but it could be time for a change behind the bench. Now hear me out first. This isn't a move that you make this off-season. But I think the leash needs to be shortened on Lindy Ruff. The man has an impeccable resume and deserves everything he has earned. But making the playoffs twice in the last 5 years is concerning. And in each of those two playoff appearances they fell in the first round. It's not always the coaches fault they get canned, sometimes change is just needed. If this team is faltering out of the gate, and are once again near the bottom of the standings come the New Year, it could be Ruff who gets the boot.

There is a lot of good talent on this team but that lack of character is going to be tough to address. I fear they will make some irrational moves to bring in some goons to help "protect" Miller. Not the solution they need. In fact the solution they need they probably won't find via free agency. You don't just find a carry-the-team player on free agency too often, and as we have noted, and noted again, this crop is not providing much help to anyone.

This has got to be one of the first posts where I have used an intangible as the best thing this team can acquire in the off-season. Where they find that 'character' will be interesting to see. Or maybe last year was a blip on the radar and the Sabres can benefit from being in a mediocre Northwest Division to once again make the playoffs. I'm really at a loss for ideas for this team.

Bik Nizzar: There’s a select few coaches that if you have them, you just don’t fire. And Lindy Ruff is in that hierarchy. The list is basically: Mike Babcock, Dan Bylsma, Lindy Ruff, Joel Quenneville. I think GM Darcy Reiger and Ruff have a great working relationship, and for the most part are great talent evaluators (despite me griping about their player sizes, it’s hard to argue that those players aren’t skilled) but I think the issue is the mentality and strategy they are forming. And you look at a guy like Zack Kassian, EXACTLY the type of player this team could use.... and they shipped him out for another glaring need (a move that I think will be win-win for both teams). But that player who plays on the edge, badass kinda player.... help keep other teams honest.

Perhaps they should get things started by bringing back Paul Gaustad. Netting a 1st round pick for him was incredible. But it will all be for naught if they continue to use those picks on the Tyler Ennis’ of the world. 

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