Friday, June 15, 2012

30 for 30 in 30 - Ottawa Senators


Bik Nizzar: The Ottawa Senators are going to be just fine and potentially great, and here’s why: The universe rewards great moustaches. And Head Coach Paul MacLean has himself a great moustache. For real, I don’t even want to get into the way this team is set up for another few e-mails. Can we break down this man’s upper lip toupee? It’s majestic. I imagine there are little children running inside of it with carefree enjoyment and their hair billowing in the breeze as the soft bristles of Paul MacLean’s ‘stache gently caresses their bare-feet like blades of grass in a dewy meadow. What images are conjured up in your mind when you see.............. “The MacLean” (that’s what I’m calling epic moustaches now FYI)?

TJ Molland: See I don't see a moustache as a flowy meadow. To me Maclean’s moustache is filled with barrel-chested lumberjacks. Large men. The kind needed to keep a ‘stache like that in check. Because without them there would be no man, just ‘stache.

So are we just scrapping the Senators and talking about Maclean's MANstache? Because I am totally for that...

Bik Nizzar: Ok ok ok – You understand my adoration over that ‘stache though right?

Moving on. If ever you needed an example of the benefit the AHL can have this team is it. Because it can’t be over-stated how much the 2010-11 Binghamton Senators helped the 2011-12 Ottawa Senators. Players like Colin Greening, Kaspars Daugavins, Bobby Butler, and “Hockey Player Erik Condra” (a moniker that a buddy came up with..... follow him on twitter for other great things like that @JGasson_21... but Condra just has one of those unassuming names that you kinda need clarification that he is, in fact, a hockey player... ergo, “Hockey Player Erik Condra”) got great experience in their AHL championship run and it translated to a great above expectation season for the big squad. I say above expectation and not ‘over-achieving’ because over-achieving cheapens what this team did last season. They accelerated their re-build process by a solid year or 2 with all this experience they’ve gained.

Priority #1 for this team is sign Erik Karlsson. Kid’s a restricted free agent this off-season and basically was why this team finished where they did. 2 years ago this team couldn’t get out of their own zone, now with MacLean in and Karlsson’s emergence, watching him is a joy. You get the feeling he’s going to get a BIG contract, and probably rightfully so. You just hope it’s a reasonable dollar figure as to not chew up this team’s cap space to improve on last year. Aside from the ‘stache – What else you like this team?

TJ Molland: Uggggh. For no real reason I just don't like the Sens. Could be the fact I have a buddy that is a huge Sens fan, so I hear more about them then I want to and it makes for some great debates if I bring out the Hater-ade against Ottawa. No rhyme or reason I just don't like them. *crosses arms, puts on pouty face, stomps away*

What is worse, is after looking at this team for any reason to believe this year was a fluke, I can't really find one. This team might be the real deal. They have a good core of players they can build around, and won't need to be awful for years to rebuild. It sort of just....happened. I wouldn't say they are a lock to make the playoffs again next year, but if they continue along the same path they shouldn't have any troubles making it to the second-season.

They have done a good job in keeping costs down, and the unexpected performances by the fill-ins gives them hope they won't have to go out and spend a lot of money to be competitive this year. They have 2 must signs in Karlsson and Nick Foligno. Outside that they can use the abundance of cap space to sign some players to fill specific needs. Their defense and goaltending were suspect at times and could use an upgrade if they really want to take their game to the next level. It's funny, with Ben Bishop the Sens had the 7th best (Bishop 2.27 GAA) and 3rd worst (Robin Lehner 3.26 GAA) goaltdenders in the AHL (based on GAA). Literal opposite ends of the list.

And don't think I have changed my attitude towards the Sens #poutingincorner

Bik Nizzar: I’d have hated to see you as a kid at Toys R’ Us when you didn’t get a desired toy. Just stomping your feet, face all blown up and screeching.

I really wanna see this team find themselves a prospect d-man in this draft. Maybe not anybody in particular, but just see how the draft plays out for them and take whoever they rate highest at that spot. I know they have Karlsson and Jared Cowen but they moved David Rundblad during the season (albeit to acquire Kyle Turris) and it really took away from the top end organizational depth they had on the blue line. With an aging group of guys back there with Sergei Gonchar and Chris Phillips, it’d be great to get a trio of guys ready to take over soon to keep this run of success going.

This team was abysmal just 2 seasons ago, and have rather impressively turned things around. So much so, that you look at the players up front that are coming in, even with a soon to be out-going Daniel Alfredsson, they’ll have a scoring presence for time to come. Still remains to be seen how effective Jakob Silfverberg is and how long it takes him to transition to the NHL game, but I’m sure Alfie can help out with that and expedite that process. Plus they’ve already got a guy who’s etched his name into the future Hall-Of-Names Team.... how great is it gonna be to hear “MIKA ZIBANEJAD”... just take a minute to shout it... I’ll wait....


ISN’T IT AWESOME?! MIIIIIKA ZIBANEJAD! It’s gonna be the new Branko Radivojevic. But kid’s not just a name, he’s got some game. Add that to World Junior Hockey Tournament darling Mark Stone, a 6th round pick that shined during that tourney, and suddenly the worry about when Alfie retires is mitigated.

(also 1 of the great things in the NHL is when Sens fans clap @ the 11:11 mark of a period... brilliant stuff)

TJ Molland: Mi-Ka Ziban-Ajad cha cha cha-cha-cha! That was surprisingly fun.

I think you are right with a defenseman this year. Their pool is a little shallow out of the players ready to make the jump. Whoever falls to you when it is your time to draft should be fine. Don't worry about trading up or making a different selection if the guy you want isn't there because this draft is very deep in defense. Someone good is bound to fall to you.

The offense concerns me a bit with this team. Lots of young guys who should be able to step in and contribute right away but my concern is that if they take a year to adjust to the speed of the NHL, this year could be a disappointment. You should give your young players every chance to play but don't feel obligated to force them into the lineup. Remember the Sens next year won't be considered a bottom dweller and it will be interesting to see how they cope with that. They remind me a lot of the Avalanche a few years ago where they made the playoffs one year only to finish second to last in the conference the next year. Not saying that is what the Sens will do, (it would give me more ammo for arguments with my buddy though) but they shouldn't take what they did this year for granted.

Goaltending will be an interesting situation for the team this year too. Straight up, I don't see Anderson backing a team to a Stanley Cup. I just don't. A good reliable goaltender but not the right fit for the Sens. They are going to play a more up-tempo game, which works great for them, they just need a better caliber goalie to bail them out on the chances they ARE going to give up. Hopefully Ben Bishop provides some competition that can lead to each man playing better (for fear of losing their job). I know they are trying to groom former 2nd round pick Robin Lehner to be that guy but I don't know which Lehner shows up. He had brutal numbers in the AHL last year but in the few games he played in the NHL he looked real good.

Bik Nizzar: I love the depth in goal that they have, it’s really more about how they handle it for me. I think the acquisition to get Ben Bishop was a shrewd move by GM Bryan Murray. A low-risk high-reward type move and considering the stage in his development, and that he got some games in to end last year, they’re going to reap the rewards of that trade. I see what you mean about Anderson and I totally agree with it. He’s good, but I don’t know if he’s ever going to be Stanley Cup good. Look what we’ve seen from Jonathan Quick... I don’t know if Anderson ever sustains that for 4 rounds. Ben Bishop? Maybe... Robin Lehner? Also maybe, and I know you’re concerned about his AHL numbers last year, but a part of me feels like this guy out-grew out the AHL after back-stopping Bingo’s run to the Calder Cup the year before where he had a sparkling 2.10 GAA and .939 Save %. Then he made a brief cameo appearance for 5 games after Craig Anderson cut his hand and carried himself pretty well, as a 32 save shutout vs. Boston was his big game.

I think at some point you will see Craig Anderson traded which will be another clever move by Murray. A lot of the pieces we’re worried about, a trade involving Anderson will be able to net them in return. More quality blocks to a team that is being built well.

How they respond with the added weight of expectation is going to be interesting but I think with Jason Spezza (who we barely mentioned, what a nice return to form he had), Chris Phillips, Daniel Alfredsson, I reckon they’ll be able to usher the younger players along back into the top 8.

TJ Molland: Spezza had a phenomenal bounce back year (84 points). That is HUGE for this team. They need him to be a top ten NHLer. His experience from several playoff runs including a Stanley Cup Finals appearance (2007) to go with the years of wisdom Alfredsson provides is crucial to this team’s development.

I too really liked the Bishop trade, it just leaves that little bit of uncertainty in net if they move Anderson. That is only because we have not seen enough of Bishop or Lehner to really tell if they are as advertised. They could be more than advertised and then this team becomes a legit playoff team. Playoff....not Stanley Cup.

If they can get some good secondary defensive support for Anderson this team will be in good shape to compete again. Tough to say when you do that though. If you ride Anderson as the #1 for the year then trade him at the deadline you are sending the wrong message and really leaving whoever has to replace him hanging. On the flip side he won't have any value sitting on the bench. And do you really want to go into a season with two unproven goaltenders a year after you surprised everyone by making the big dance?

PS: Seeing how well set up this team is and how they can easily get better has made me temporarily excited to talk about this team. I then remembered I have an unnecessary grudge and have since returned to angry face, while stomping away....*humph* *crosses arms*

Bik Nizzar: I kinda see it playing out how Montreal turned to Carey Price when they had Cristobal Huet. Sure the veteran is there, but at some point you’re going to need to turn the keys over to Ben Bishop or Robin Lehner. Frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me if Anderson was moved during the off-season to stock up more in front of goal. Could be another option they have if they want to acquire a 2nd pairing defenseman before training camp and get him used to “The MacLean” behind the bench. Get him familiar with the system early on because the last thing you need is a player distracted by that ‘stache.

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