Friday, November 9, 2012

Bik's Week 10 Picks: A Moment of Silence

If you’re not the type of person that will stop and pause for a moment of silence NO MATTER WHAT YOU’RE DOING this Sunday for Remembrance Day – then this piece is not for you. Just skip ahead to the picks below.

But if you will take a moment to remember those who sacrificed so much and have allowed us to live with the freedoms we have today, then join me and take a moment, or a few, to also remember the following:

We have a moment of silence for former Los Angeles Lakers Head Coach Mike Brown. Look Mike, it’s really not your fault. You were set-up to fail. After-all you were brought in the season prior to a super-team being assembled. Say for instance that the Lakers had a coaching vacancy in this off-season and had just traded for Nash and Dwight. Do you really think they would have selected you to run this team? OF COURSE NOT. Because what veteran team doesn’t enjoy running long practices, playing crazy minutes in blowout games (something he did last year in a shortened lockout season with gruelling schedules) and also taking the ball out of the hands of a premier offensive genius in NBA history (Nash not Kobe). So don’t feel too badly Mike, because perhaps your greatest contribution to this team was playing poorly in the first 5 games rather than scraping by until January.

A moment of silence for the optimism that has spawned this week in regards to the NHL CBA negotiations. OOOOOH! They locked themselves in rooms for 4 consecutive days and didn’t talk to the media! AAAAAH! PROGRESS IS BEING MADE! This season is already tainted like that last cookie on the plate your friend just licked. Both sides balked at fixing this in time for an 82 game season from Nov 2nd and suddenly a week later we think issues have just been resolved? Even by some miracle this was resolved and we got say a 44 game schedule, how is a shortened year reflective of what an NHL season should be. The season is a marathon, the playoffs are the sprint. It’s going to make playoff hockey so brutal because come April-May players are going to be EXHAUSTED by having to play at this level. What made LA’s run last year so ridiculously amazing is that they played with their foot on the pedal for every game. You can’t do that over an 82 game season (which is reflected in the fact they finished 8th in the West), so shortening a season to 40-50 games doesn’t allow you for those ebbs and flows of a normal season. Just do us a favour NHL, put us out of our misery... cancel the year and resolve your issues without deadlines. Don’t pretend like you want to save-face for this year to get back into the ratings. Your ratings can’t get any worse. Take the time to get this correct and make your progression back into the middle. Besides, it’s not like you haven’t done it before.

And finally, a moment of silence for Mitt Romney. Dude, you never stood a chance. You’re 15 minutes were egregiously hilarious. Thanks for being a continent’s punch-line and finding yourself into internet lore forever. We appreciate your efforts to have millions follow you blindly into your backwards ideology, but do us all a favour and go away now. Tell your cronies to do the same. Or just catch up to the era. Either or. We’d like that.

So bow your head for all of the above and be sure to stop whatever you are doing this Sunday. Take a minute to remember that which should never be forgotten. Also if you have a moustache but not a poppy, you need help. Get a poppy now. Week 10 picks. Home team in CAPS.

JAGUARS (+3.5) over Colts
Colts won 27-10 on Thursday Night.

PATRIOTS (-11) over Bills
I just have no faith in the Bills to do anything coherently consistently. Patriots are coming off a bye and while it might take them a quarter to get back into the flow of things, they’ll find ways to just dice this Bills team. To say that Buffalo has under-achieved this year would be a laughable understatement.

Giants (-3.5) over BENGALS
When the Giants were playing the Redskins a few weeks back, and RG3 had just gotten the go-ahead TD late in the game for Washington, I tweeted that I thought Tom Coughlin just findsgames to lose so his team will remain underdogs late into the year. Well I should have waited until the end of the game because Eli hooked up with Victor Cruz for a long TD which won the Giants that game. But then last week, they uncharacteristically blew away a 10 point 4th quarter lead to the Steelers. Granted the Steelers offence can be good, but Tom Coughlin teams shouldn’t choke away double digit 4th quarter leads. The Giants once again have managed to sink us back into that “maybe they aren’t as good as we think they are...” mentality. This Bengals team is notoriously soft, and Giants are going to punch them in the face.

BUCCANEERS (-3) over Chargers
I really feel like this could go either way. The Chargers could be primed for another 2nd half of the season push like they always seem to have + the Bucs could be on the verge of a come-down game after 2 EXPLOSIVE weeks for their offense. But in reality, the Bucs seem like they got all their pieces in working order and the Chargers have looked hapless defensively since mid-way through that Saints game.

Broncos (-4) over PANTHERS
We all saw Matt Ryan launch a Hail Mary HHasdasdfadsffrom his own goal-line to lead the Falcons past the Panthers right? Now do you ever imagine that Peyton Manning is going to let Cam Newton even REMOTELY close to that same situation? Plus Von Miller is going to terrorize Newton.

DOLPHINS (-6) over Titans
Jake Locker is healthy and will start for the Titans in this game. That’s pretty much all you need to know about this game. I’m actually a big Locker fan, but dude has not panned out how I was hoping for. A VERY likeable player, but it’s just not there yet.

Raiders (+7.5) over RAVENS
Take away the win in week 1 vs. the Bengals (in a game that was actually a lot closer than the score-line reflected: 44-13) the Ravens have won their other 5 games by an average of 4.6 points. Those wins include a bizarre ending to the Cowboys game where they won by 2. A 9-6 win over the Chiefs (yes the same Chiefs that has a twitter account from its fans asking for them “to be saved”). A 25-15 win last week over the Browns because Browns coach Pat Shurmur refuses to make smart decisions in close games.

SAINTS (+2.5) over Falcons
VIKINGS (+2.5) over Lions
Cowboys (-1.5) over EAGLES
All 3 of these games have a home underdog and I’m taking 2 of them. Make sure you tune into the Cowboys/Eagles game because it might be the most hilarious game ever. 2 coaches who can’t manage a clock or a game correctly. 2 QB’s who are just handing the ball off to the opponents. All with owners who are waiting to fire their coaches. But I think the Cowboys D is better than the Eagles so I’ll go with that.

The Vikes are under-valued here I think because people are always going to back the explosive Lions. But the past 2 weeks I think Minnesota has had more bad luck than anything and back home after 2 tough losses will do them some good.

Going into New Orleans is 1 of the toughest places to play and this is basically the season for the Saints. A classic throw everything you have against the wall and leave nothing on the table.

SEAHAWKS (-6) over Jets
The Seahawks are at home. Enough said. Actually I’ll say more. Mark Sanchez gets to play his former coach in Pete Carroll who should know all the things that make Mark Sanchez do Mark Sanchez like things (throw picks, fumble the ball etc etc).

49ERS (-11) over Rams
It’s a divisional game at home for San Fran. No matter what the line was I’d have taken them.

BEARS (-1.5) over Texans
I’m not going to lie to you. I flipped a coin. But actually once news came out that Charles Tillman would play, I liked the Bears just that little bit more. So under a field goal for a home-team.... I’ll take it. But I still flipped a coin.

STEELERS (-12.5) over Chiefs
After watching the Chiefs do a remarkable thing and give up 2 non-offensive TD’s in a span of 2:06 minutes, I’m convinced they’re ready to give up on the season and quit on their coach. Mentally, when you hit that stage, that’s it – it’s over. Just ask the Bucs of 2012.

This Week: 0-1
Last Week: 5-9
Season: 64-67-1

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