"ice" sports fans need our fix. With that in mind I present to you TEP's Curling drinking game. I want to preface this by saying it is still in it's Beta testing phase, but it will be amended as necessary.
A casual drink you can take many sips from as well as a penalty bottle are required. You need a good curling match on the television. To start, everyone in the room needs to be split into two teams. Doesn't matter if teams are even, just split the room in two. Each team of drinkers needs to be matched up to a team in whatever match you are watching. If possible before you know the curling teams, the room could be divided by the rock colours thus giving everyone a pleasant surprise when you find out who your team is. Once teams and sides are decided you should be all ready to go.
The way drinks work is after a rock is thrown, you will tally the number of drinks for each team from their casual drink. Those drinks will be taken immediately. Here are the ways drinks are taken:
- Whenever a rock of your teams colour is knocked out of play - 1 drink
- When your team is throwing, anytime two rocks hit each other - 1 drink per hit
- When a rock from the opposite team is on the button - 1 drink
- Any points scored at the end of the end opposite team drinks - 1 drink per point
ex: Yellow is throwing, rock hits two others, one red rock is knocked out. Yellow drinks 2 Red drinks 1
ex: Yellow throwing, rock hits another which hits another which hits another, Yellow rock on button. Yellow drinks 3 Red drinks 1
This is from the penalty bottle. Shots to be taken before the start of the next end
- For every point stolen the opposite team must drink that many shots
- Every time they measure who is closer, losing team takes one shot
- If a player accidentally hits another rock with his foot, that colour rocks team must take a shot
Bonus Alcoholic Challenge
Take a drink every time you hear "Hard" "Whoa" or "Hurry"
If you have any suggestions for TEP drinking game series please feel free to comment and let us know. Meanwhile check out some of our other drinking game series.
TEP Drinking Game Series Games
Scripps National Spelling Bee Drinking Game
Draft Day Drinking Game
MMA Drinking Game
Scripps National Spelling Bee Drinking Game
Draft Day Drinking Game
MMA Drinking Game
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