Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bik's Week 12 Picks: Thankful

I’m thankful for technology.

I take you back to last Wednesday. I was in a mad rush to get things sorted before I boarded my plane to Las Vegas. Then I touched down in Vegas on Thursday, the city lights and general euphoria about being in Vegas completely distracted me. You know that feeling when you go for a trip and you keep thinking if you forgot to pack something? Well I had that feeling from when I left my house and to this specific moment in Vegas. But I doubled n’ tripled n' even QUADRUPLED checked my bags. Wallet, keys, cell-phone, passport, cash... Check, check, check, check, check... What was I forgetting?

OHHHHH SNAP. My week 11 picks. There I was sitting in a Las Vegas Sportsbook having not written my week 11 picks. Whoops. I really couldn’t have been in a better spot because I had all the lines right in front of me with numerous drunk people shouting out what they think is going to happen this weekend. But TECHNOLOGY to the rescue – scramble and text TJ my Week 11 picks and bam, we’re all good. Also I’m mildly thankful for TJ for writing a piece on short notice like that. I feel like that last sentence should have an *EDITORS NOTE* before it..... hmph, nope.

So for Week 12 I’m paying homage to American Thanksgiving, here are a few things I’m thankful for. Home team in CAPS.

LIONS (+3.5) over Texans
I’m thankful for American Thanksgiving to begin with. What better way to spend all day Thursday than watching football.

I’m also thankful for Arian Foster and Calvin Johnson. Now I haven’t been so lucky to own either in fantasy football this season, but I have in years past and they’ve brought in such rewards that I felt the need to be thankful for them this year.

I’m thankful for Roger Goodell as well. Because he’s decided to maybe make a run for the Worst Commissioner in Sports title and rip it from Gary Bettman. How is it that Houston is playing the 9am game on Thursday coming off a Sunday game? Why not have them go back-to-back Thursday games? Or even give them a bye last week? So we have Houston travelling on a short week to play an early morning game. We’re getting to a point in the NFL where home-field doesn’t mean as much as it used to in the regular season, but the Thanksgiving game means a lot to the Detroit fans. Not going to be a fun spot for the Texans.

COWBOYS (-3) over Redskins
I’m thankful for RG3. Dude - you make quarterbacking a lot of fun to watch.

I’m thankful for Tony Romo. Dude – you make quarterbacking a lot of fun to watch, but often times for many different reasons. But with this game the proverbial hate might have swung too far. Everybody and their grandmothers love RG3 and everything he brings to Washington. But there’s no way this pass defence is going to slow down Dallas (29th ranked Pass D vs. 7th Ranked Pass O).

JETS (+7.5) over Patriots
I’m thankful for Rob Gronkowski. 1 of my favourite terms in sports since you entered the league is “GRONK CATCH! GRONKT TD! GRONK SPIKE!” I’ve enjoyed tweeting it many times over. Sidebar: You know when you get a typo and that red squiggly line comes underneath – it didn’t do that for “Gronk” – I find this fascinating.

 I know you’re tempted here to move your mouse towards the “X” at the top right of your window after I picked Romo against RG3 and now I’m picking Sanchez against Brady in a QB driven league. But 7.5 points for a home-team on a short week when the away team has a SIGNIFICANT injury to cope with on a short week. By the way did I mention it’s a short week? The Gronk (still no squiggly line) injury is huge. Brady in the red-zone this year throwing to anyone NOT named Gronkowski has actually been a disaster. 29.6% to be exact. THOSE ARE MARK SANCHEZ NUMBERS!!! But their first matchup was actually MUCH closer than you probably remember it being (a 29-26 win for New England). If it wasn’t for Sanchez throwing arm-punts in their first matchup, a Patriots kickoff return TD, a Jets possession that ended up with Sanchez having to kick the ball out of his end-zone for a safety, and a horrific drop by Stephen Hill, the Jets probably win that. That’s a lot of ifs. But hopefully you get the idea. I’m thankful if you do.

BENGALS (-8) over Raiders
I’m thankful for bad trades. Outside of “Googling” drafts and conjuring up what if’s, nothing quite takes up my time than going onto Google to see how a bad trade has shaped a franchise. And this game pits Raiders QB Carson Palmer against his old team. If you don’t remember, Palmer’s exit was so heated that Palmer actually RETIRED from football before the Raiders came calling at the trade deadline last year and gave up a 1st round pick and a 2nd round pick to acquire Palmer. He’s 7-13 since taking over in Oakland. Considering what that trade has meant to the Bengals, will they even boo Palmer upon his return to Cincy?

Steelers (-1) over BROWNS
I’m thankful for bad coaching. The Browns aren’t actually TERRIBLE. I mean they’re 2-8 but really there haven’t been a lot of times when I watch them and say “wow – Player X is the reason they lost this game.” Sure Brandon Weeden might have thrown some picks, but the coaches have put them in a position to consistently fail. And in quite spectacular fashion week after week after week. So while my heart is telling me to take the Browns, I can’t take Pat Shurmur over Mike Tomlin.

COLTS (-3) over Buffalo
I’m thankful for sports and the inspirational moments it brings. I’ve been talking about it for a while now but this speech by Chuck Pagano is something fantastic. It’s everything that you love about sports. And at home against a weak Buffalo team, 3 points is just a hair low.

Broncos (-10.5) over CHIEFS
I’m thankful for the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends. Some sitcoms choose a holiday and make it their staple holiday episode for that season. Everybody Loves Raymond had Christmas. How I Met Your Mother has had some good Valentine’s Day episodes. But Friends has always DOMINATED Thanksgiving. They just rattle off good episode after another. And before you ask why I’m talking about a mid-90’s sitcom during a football picks column, it’s because I’m trying to avoid saying ANYTHING about The Chiefs. And actually Friends had a Thanksgiving football episode, so there.

But seriously, I’d really like to jump away from a double-digit favourite on the road, but what exactly about this Chiefs franchise makes you think they even get a first down. How bad is it? A man wrote his obituary and claimed that the KC Chiefs have caused him heart-break. If this was a non-divisional game for the Broncos then I'd go against Peyton, but its not.

JAGUARS (+3) over Titans
I’m thankful for Twitter. Because I’ll be following this game along on twitter. Nobody should be watching this. Not even POW’s – that’s cruel and unusual punishment.

Vikings (?) over BEARS
*NOTE: I haven’t been able to find a line on this game because of the Bears QB injury problem, but if by game-time it’s anything above 2.5 pts I’ll take the Vikings, or anything below 3, I’ll take the Bears.

I’m thankful for modern medicine. How Adrian Peterson recovered from his injury so quickly and is putting up these gawdy numbers is beyond me. Well done to his surgeon. Does he have a twitter handle? I want regular day-day advice from him. Just simple stuff like “Don’t listen to Justin Bieber today #YoureBetterThanThat”. Who wouldn’t follow that guy?

BUCCS (+1) over Falcons
I’m thankful Josh Freeman is back. The master of the back-door cover from 2 season ago. Freeman was appalling bad last year and now he looks like he’s back this season after shedding 20 pounds in the off-season, getting a new stellar running back in Doug Martin and a legitimate deep threat in Vincent Jackson. Have you watched this Bucs offence? It’s stellar. The defense? Ok whatever. But I’m still banging the “Atlanta isn’t as good as their record” drum. So a home underdog? Yes please.

Seahawks (-3) over Dolphins
I’m thankful for conventional wisdom. Because if it wasn’t for that, teams would have drafted Russell Wilson much earlier and he’s now becoming a steal of the draft. A 3rd round pick for what is becoming a legitimate starting QB in the league in his rookie year?!?! Yes I’m full on homer mode but come on, you can’t tell me Arizona, Buffalo, Cleveland, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Miami, Minnesota, New York Jets, Oakland, Philadelphia, Tennessee have better QB situations right now. That’s nearly a 3rd of the league.

Ravens (-1) over CHARGERS
I’m thankful for that memory erasing device from Men In Black. I wish I could use that right now and forget that I drafted Phillip Rivers.

SAINTS (+1.5) over 49ers
I’m thankful for the cross-sport references. The 49ers have named Colin Kaepernick their starter over Alex Smith and health isn’t the reason. Remember in 2008 when the Montreal Canadiens were 1st place in the East and traded starting goalie Cristobal Huet to Washington to turn the keys to Carey Price. Doesn’t this seem eerily familiar? I know Jim Harbaugh has hit every decision out of the park – but man oh man. To make this move in Week 12 is different than pre-season. He’s all in on Kaep now. And last week Kaepernick was competing against Jason Campbell. Now he has to keep up to Drew Brees in 1 of the stadiums where home-field still means something.

Rams (+2.5) over CARDINALS
I’m thankful for the relevancy of the Seattle Seahawks. In years past this game would have some meaning to me being 2 NFC West opponents who could impact the position the Seahawks had in the division and subsequently the draft. But thanks to the Seahawks being in the playoff mix, this game is 100% completely meaningless to me. And should be to you to – don’t even pretend you won’t be watching the Saints – 49ers game.

Packers (+2.5) over GIANTS
I’m thankful for Aaron Rodgers. My fantasy season would be dreadful without you man. Seriously.
I’m not sure why the Packers are underdogs anywhere right now. I know it’s vs. the Giants in a marquee big game that the Giants are bound to show up for, but have you SEEEEEN Eli Manning lately?

Panthers (-2) over EAGLES
I’m thankful for the NBA this year. Thanks to the NHL lockout and this DREADFUL Monday Night Football matchup, I’ll be watching either a New York showdown between the Brooklyn Nets and the New York Knicks. Or the Oklahoma City Thunder take on an up-start Charlotte Bobcats team. Or Chris Paul operate against the New Orleans Hornets. ANYTHING but this horrific Monday Nighter.

And most importantly, I’m thankful for you. Your support this year for The Extra Period has been tremendous and hopefully we see more of it down the road.

Last Week: 9-5
Season: 79-80-1

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