Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bik's Thursday Week 5 Pick: Don't Call It A Comeback!

Last weekend’s games were mildly upstaged by golf’s Ryder Cup in what is known as the “Miracle at Medinah”. The European team came storming back to knock off the American team to capture victory, on a day that would otherwise be reserved for Week 4. The drama that unfolded in the comeback really sent social media into hyper-drive as I started to see more n’ more tweets talking about golf than the NFL.

So in honour of Europe’s historic comeback... Here are a few other things that need to make a comeback:
  1. Organ Music at Hockey Games – Enough of hearing glorified club music while waiting for a defensive zone faceoff.
  2. Seinfeld – No explanation necessary.
  3. Cheap Gas
  4. Board Games – I’ll take Monopoly over “Words with Friends” any day.
  5. Big Cell Phones – Forget the new look sleek designs, Give me Zach Morris old phone.
  6. Mullets – Party all the time.
  7. Light Up Shoes – I was jealous of every kid that had these.
  8. The time when people didn’t take annoying pictures of themselves and post them online.
  9. Conversation – Next time I see someone text a friend that is sitting at the table with them, I’m going to dunk both their phones into water.... Unless it’s me of course.
  10. The NHL – Duh.

Home team in CAPS.

RAMS (+2) over Cardinals
The Cardinals are just toying with me now. I’ve gone 0-4 in their games this year. So why am I going against them this week even though they’re favoured by less than a FG and undefeated on the year. Have you heard about this Rams Kicker Greg Zuerlein? More importantly, his nicknames..... Young G.Z, Legatron, Greg the Leg... When you have nicknames and momentum like that + at home + a Primetime game – you’re gonna win.

Zuerlein’s names fit into the top 15, maybe even top 10 of all nicknames in sports. I’ll have more on nicknames tomorrow when the rest of the picks get revealed.

Last Week: 8-7
Season: 32-29-2

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